Bonus.2 | Panic and In Thought (Venti's POV 16-17)

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A/N ; a short POV from Venti. I'm trying to get everything situated and I don't want any readers to still be confused, so I made this!

Venti's eyes widened as he looked at the lighten up screen. His room was dim, but receiving such an odd text message at this time?

Sato: Venti..Xiao likes you. He told me everything, I'm sorry you had to find out this way. He was just way too scared to tell you!


Why would Sato of all people be telling him this? He thought they were in bad terms with each other..I mean, the last and first time they'd met had been a fight.

It was odd, maybe Venti should just ignore it..but an anxious feeling kept telling him to ask questions.


Sato: Come on, Venti! I wouldn't lie to you about something like this. I think you should just bring it to him straight!
Sato: You don't like him back, right?


Venti simply just set down his phone, his face was completely flushed as he stared down at his bed sheets. There was no way Xiao liked him..but it made sense.

Venti constantly got comments on how Xiao would only hang out with him, even joking comments on how they should date. Venti immediately denied it, but Xiao just furrowed his eyes off to the side. wouldn't be so bad to date—hang on! What was he thinking just now?!

Ugh, he was such an idiot..even if Xiao liked him like that, what was there saying that Venti could even view a man that way?

He's always liked women..and only women. Sure, Xiao was pretty, but he's also bratty and annoying. Well, to be fair, they both were. They're both childish and can't handle the smallest bit of criticism.

Whatever, he'll think about this later...


That 'later' seemed to be awhile. Venti began avoiding him, the only one who it wasn't obvious to was to Venti himself. He didn't know how to handle this new feeling arising so he tried to just ignore it.

The truth was, every time he seen or even thought about the male it was hard to not imagine them dating. It was like his entire life had been consumed by just a few messages.

How should he make do of this? Should he just reject Xiao and move on..?

No, that wasn't right. Venti knew well that he'd be thinking about it even more..and he can't risk loosing his best friend over something like this. He let out a soft sigh.

Tomorrow then, tomorrow will be the day he finally comes up with a decision.

And that is exactly what he did, the day of the decision he had slowly and thoughtfully walked to Xiao's he really doing this?

The answer was yes, yes he was.

He was hesitant, but he gave a few light knocks onto the door. God.., was it weird to just show up here out of the blue after avoiding him for so long?

He fell a bit panicked before he spoke up,"Hey.."

Venti's eyes furrowed off to the side before he responded,"Hi.."

The air seemed tense, and they were both clearly nervous about something.

"Look, I..heard from...someone...that you liked me." He paused,"Not just as a friend either."

Xiao stayed silent for a moment, a light shade of pink coating his pale cheeks. His eyes couldn't help but to look away from Venti as well. "..Sorry, Venti." Is all he let out.

,"It's ok, Xiao..I understand."

His eyes widened in surprise, staring at the other as if he were mistaken.

"..I've been thinking about it." The male began,"Your 'confession', I mean."
Venti took a deep breath before he looked back over towards Xiao. "And..I wouldn't mind."

Xiao quirked a brow,"Mind what?"

Venti couldn't help but let out a small laugh,"Are you always gonna be so clueless, Xiao?" Xiao pouted. Venti let out a small sigh, trying to build up some courage.

"I wouldn't mind..trying-to-date-you!" The words seemed rushed, almost as if he was too embarrassed to say anymore.

Venti's worries grew larger as Xiao stood silent, seeming to be lost in thought,"If you..don't wanna date anymore, it's fine. I guess it took me awhile, huh?" He smiled apologetically, or more or less embarrassed.

Xiao finally got something out,"N-no! I want to—I mean, you—we can—..."

Venti smiled brightly, catching the gist of what Xiao was saying,"Let's—let's date each other, Xiao!" He hadn't even processed the words coming out of his mouth before they both completely flushed red.

Venti turned away, feeling defeated,"Auughh, why did I say it like that.." he whispered to himself.

Xiao slightly smiled at him, trying to get over his embarrassment,"Sure, let's date, Venti."

Venti couldn't even process it at first, but soon let out a,"SuRe",hence the voice crack.

A/N ; If you have any questions about this story, please ask! Especially if you're still confused or something

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