Chp.14 | Confrontation

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Xiao was crying.

That was the first time Venti had seen Xiao cry.


He didn't even know how to react to this, he'd never prepared for this situation..and it was because of Venti even.

"Xiao, I-" Venti was cut off,

"I-I'm ..really sorry Venti—I'm sorry..I really am..." He was even speaking informally, voice cracks were noticeable in the soft tone. He tried wiping the tears, but they only kept coming.

As tears flowed down his cheeks, his face flushed a light shade of pink in an instant; his eyes fluttering shut. He'd never seen Xiao this way, he'd always been so calm and well kept..only seeming to show one or two emotions all the time.

Did..Venti do this?

Was that even a question? Of course he did..

What was he thinking? Choosing Xiao over some..girl. Sure, she seemed nice, but Venti didn't even stop to ask what had happened!

Oh god, he was such an idiot.

He didn't know what else to do except take Xiao into another hug, this time an accepting one.

Venti spoke up,"I should be the one apologizing..I didn't know what actually happened. I'm sorry, Xiao," he began as he frowned,"I—can try and make it up to you..! Can you please tell me what happened though?" He asked as he backed up.
Although Venti felt bad, he still wanted to know Xiao's side of the story.

Xiao attempted to calm himself, even if it was forced. "..Sh-She was using you." He hadn't meant to stutter.

Venti's eyes widened, he was about to say something to defend her..but knowing by now nothing would come out of it, he stopped himself. "What do you mean..'using'?"

"She didn't like you romantically." Xiao doesn't  even know how to say this, would Venti even believe him? "She liked me. That reaction she had was fake..I was trying to defend you."

Venti couldn't help but to stare, what does that mean..? So Sato was just using him because him and Xiao were friends?

..It made sense, Xiao was always more popular with girls compared to Venti. He didn't even have to try for girls to swarm him. Of course, Xiao wasn't aware of his popularity.

Xiao wasn't one to lie either.

"Is that why you called her a 'dumb-...a'?"

Xiao paused, he had completely forgotten about that,"Ah..that was about..something else."

Venti hummed in confusion, what he didn't know was that Xiao had a crush on him..and that's exactly why it escalated so much.

Xiao furrowed his eyes off to the side, he had no intention to confess right now..especially since he was certain Venti was still straight.

Not to even mention that he only viewed Xiao as a friend..

He let out a small sigh, barley noticed by Venti. "She just said something,..and it made me mad." He pouted, he almost sounded like an upset child fighting with their sibling.

Venti could tell Xiao didn't want to say anymore, so he left it at that,"Ah..ok.." He stated with a frown. After learning the truth, he felt like a total asshole.

Xiao never expressed his feelings like this, even when Venti got mad at him, he just ignored it.

Venti felt even more guilty by the second.

He closed his eyes, shaking his head before taking Xiao into another hug. This time, Xiao almost fell over because of the force.

"Please, forgive me! I'm sorry..I shouldn't have done that!" Venti whined childishly, small tears forming in his eyes.

Xiao let out a small huff, but despite just having been apologized to, he couldn't help but to,

He laughed..

Xiao didn't do that very often.

"Y-you idiot!" He couldn't help but to stuffer as he shoved Venti away, playfully.

Venti's upset expression quickly changed into a small, relieved smile.

"You're my best friend, Xiao! I-..I love you!" Venti said on an impulse, he liked Xiao as a why didn't he even register what he was saying?

Xiao's eyes widened slightly, now that he thought about it, they've never expressed affection despite knowing each other for so long.
Xiao smile lightly, barley even noticeable.

"I love you too, stupid."


Anyways, I wonder when I'm gonna make this story end...

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