Chp.8 | Onesided Crushes Too

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It had been about 2 days since the last situation.

After the incident with Xiao's Roblox friend, they'd ended up splitting up and not talking anymore. Of course, not on Xiao's request, but the others due to how oblivious he was..and well, the way he had been rejected.

"I like someone else." Isn't exactly the best way to 'break up' with someone. Although, Xiao didn't mean it in a rude way ; he was just stating what he felt needed to be said..or something like that.

He didn't exactly feel remorse or pity, but the person he felt he liked had always viewed him as a friend and specifically just a friend..he knew that. By the persons energetic outbursts around anyone besides other men, the small comments to the other, the way he overall treated women. It was all different from how he talked to Xiao.

Xiao stared up at his ceiling, aligning his eyes with every groove. He'd never expect to have his feelings return, but frankly, he didn't mind. To be honest, he'd only just figured about this one-sided crush at the time he said it.

So who exactly was this person?,,And what was Xiao to them?


Well, for the reader, it would be blatantly obvious who it was. Of course, a male that Xiao is familiar with, the entire premise of this story even.
Yes, this story is not only involving teenagers rage on a kids game..

6:40 pm

Xiao stepped out of the shower, wearing some knee high shorts and a long sleeved sweatshirt.
He reached out for his phone as he laid back onto his bed, his hair still damp from the shower he took.
Those were a lot of notifications..

And from the exact same person too.

He scrolled up, wondering what they could've been ranting about.


sent today, 6:10 pm






read 6:41 pm

What? :Xiao

VENTI: OMG ok so ive been talking to this girl and she's so nice ofebkeheegewkeosehksegs I'm literally sobbing tables

Um :Xiao

VENTI: ANYWAYS she literally asked me if I could go hang out tomorrow!!! Apparently we go to the same school as her!!!!/!/!)2/'

You like her? :Xiao


Cool :Xiao

VENTI: What?

VENTI: You don't seem happy for me at all ☹️

Sorry, I'm happy you      found - someone,      Venti :Xiao



Wow. Just,,wow.
Xiao didn't even know what to think. He can't just say 'Oh, by the way, I just discovered I have a crush on my best friend and then just 2 days after he talked about getting a potential girlfriend!' with some cheesy smile.

It was ironic, really. Although, he always knew Venti was straight. That's all there is to it, he just likes girls and nothing could be done about that. Xiao gazed blankly at his phone for a few more moments before setting it off to the side.



The only thing he could do about this feeling was drown it out by doing the thing he loved most—playing Natural Disaster on roblox.
Even though he died most of the rounds, it was still fun. He'd occasionally get into fights on there as well.
How do you even get into fights when people are going through a life or death situation on a video game? Who knows.

After the disappointing conversation he's just had, all he had left was to fight with children about if Xiao's exploiting or not because his phone lagged. Nothing left to loose! (Insert muscle emoji.)

He obviously wasn't planning to confront anyone about this, besides, Childe would probably just stare at him before laughing because Xiao is panicking about relationship problems.

He let out a small sigh, really having nothing else to think about. That's really all it was, nothing else added on. Despite his attempts to play a game and focus his attention on something other than Venti—it obviously didn't work.

He clenched onto the sides of his phone. Is that why Venti hadn't been responding for the past day?

It sort of,,hurt.


A/N ; Hi everybody! Almost forgot to update this week...anyways...short chapter!! Please forgive me T.T I felt the story was moving a bit fast in this chapter, that's why I made Xiao a little more calm so I hope you guys don't mind!! Btw, forgot to explain Xiao has liked Venti way longer than this, he just hasn't realized up until now

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