Chp.2 | What Sort of Games?

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Venti stepped into the seemingly quiet room, Xiao's father and the two have just finished dinner.
His eyes furrowed off to Xiao, who was laying on the couch comfortably with his phone sitting in his hand.

"Oo, are you playing roblox~?" Venti asked with a large smile.


"Ok, what are you playing? Is it cool? Like one of those shooter games?"

Unlike the question before, this one Xiao had stayed silent at. Not answering as he completely focused on the game.

".., Eh, Ok.."
Venti silently walked up behind him curiously as he peeked over at Xiao's screen.


Xiao then realized, quickly hiding the screen with his hand as he sat up straight; the scowl on his face being apparent.

"What..was that..?" Venti asked, his expression seeming to turn into confusion.

"Nothing—, none of your business." Now Xiao was just acting childish. Venti let out a small huff, swiftly reaching his hand out as he grabbed the phone from Xiao's hand.

Xiao immediately shot up, trying to reach for it.


Just as Venti spoke the device was snatched out of his hands as they landed back in Xiao's.
God, Xiao's character looked..more or less disgusting. Venti wouldn't say that aloud tho.

It had its hair mixed in between the default girl hair and purple long wavy hair. It had a gray skin tone still and a really..really expensive dress and wings.

How long has he even been playing to get this many things but still have an ugly character?

"What games do you even-"

Venti was cut off. "No. I don't play games."

"I just saw you tho! You were playing—"

"Shut up."

Venti huffed, puffing his cheeks out.
"That's not even a Believable answer! Just let me see your recently played—!" Venti stated as he tried grabbing the phone once again.

This time Xiao wasn't going to give in so easily, he yanked it back as he stood up from the couch.

Venti smirked.
"Oh, you're on, pretty boy!"

He toppled over the couch with his hands out as he attempted to grab Xiao's leg.

Xiao simply tried to kick him off, seeming to have a face of disgust.
"Get off!"

"Never! Not until you show me!" Venti stated again, hugging Xiao's leg, seeming to not give up so easily.

Xiao huffed.
He swung his leg to the opposite side of the room, quite literally sending Venti with it.

He crossed his arms as he saw Venti still having the same smirk on his face.

Suddenly, Venti pulled something out of his hoodie pocket. An orange gummy-like hand with a string attached of the same material.

Xiao stood silent for a few seconds, confused. Was this another of the shorter male's antics? "What is that—"

Venti pulled his arm back as the gummy hand sat in his hand and he whipped it forward. The gummy hand immediately latched onto the device...

Only to fall off.

"Dammit! I guess that only works in the shows." Venti pouted his bottom lip out at the defeat.

Xiao covered his mouth.
"Hmp...PffF—HAHAHAHA!" Xiao was now full-on laughing, the phone falling out of his hand as he tried catching his breath.

How uncharacteristic of him, to be laughing at such a childish thing.

Venti couldn't help himself, he began laughing with Xiao.

"God, this is so stupid!" Xiao stated, smiling widely in between his laughter.
"What were we so worked up about anyway..?"

Venti paused before coming to the realization, the laughing began to seize as Xiao began to catch on too.

Venti practically dived onto the floor as he grabbed the phone setting next to Xiao's feet.

"AHA!" He let out due to the feeling of accomplishment.

"Gah—hang on!" Xiao tried reaching out for it but Venti quickly went to the home page; seeing Xiao's profile.
Venti ran across the room to a safe distance before beginning to read as he scrolled.

"..Royal high, adopt me HAH, eating simulator, FASHION FAMOUS—"

Xiao leaped into the air, tackling Venti as he fought over the phone; beginning to tickle Venti as a way to try and make him finally give in.

"AHAHAHA! N-NO GET OFF! I WASNT DONE—!" Venti laughed, tears beginning to form in his eyes from the constant laughter.

"No way! Hand over the phone, Venti!" Xiao pouted.

"NUH-UH!" He shook his head as he changed the position, toppling over Xiao as Venti just lay on top of him so he couldn't move.

"Mmph! —Ge—t off of me!" Xiao fought, trying to push Venti away.

Before Venti could finish the list Xiao had finally pushed the other off of him and grabbed the phone.

He stood up straight as he glared at Venti.

Venti's laughing finally stopped as he stood up.
"—Uh,, sorry Xiao! Don't..tell your fathers please.." Venti attempted to ask, knowing they were super overprotective. "They'll actually kill me.." he mumbled under his breath as he furrowed his eyes off to the side.

Xiao narrowed his brows.
"I—..don't even like Roblox anyways." He let out with a huff as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Venti stayed quiet.


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