Chp.4 | So, Maybe There Was a Fight

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To answer the nonexistent question on exactly why Xiao wasn't speaking to Venti like they practically did every day in the past..was because he was playing the same game Venti had tried to prevent.

You guessed it, Roblox.

A few days after the 'addiction' conversation their friendship almost seemed to seize of existence. They haven't talked, Xiao's been way too busy playing Adopt Me or whatnot.
Honestly, for Venti, it was frustrating.

The same encouragement from Childe wasn't really helping either, Zhongli probably needs to talk to him about that.


After waiting a while, Venti had enough. He was finally going to confront Xiao about this..well, again. Maybe he could get something out of it tho? He didn't want his dearest friend to be playing this game forever. (Almost like Venti has been doing anyway.)

So, to put an end to it, Venti was going to set off on an adventure to fix this habit of Xiao's. He would make sure this endless phenomenon finally came to a close!.. Or maybe that was just his ego talking.


Without even having time to get a full breakfast Venti shoved a piece of toast into his mouth as he took a bite. How would he even go about this?
Anyone besides him would just say he's being over dramatic..of course, Venti would never believe that tho.

He looked at the date on his phone.
'Sunday, August 21'


So, there were a couple ideas on how to stop this.

Maybe getting Xiao a super cute girlfriend? Hell, if Venti had gotten a girlfriend he'd stop playing these childish games altogether!

Maybe he could scare him? Telling Xiao about John Doe would be kind of funny...
He could still recall the moment Xiao learned about Hero Brian. He smirked with accomplishment as he walked along the concrete path.

Instead of that, he had decided to go off of the first option. Getting Xiao a cute girlfriend! Like, just look at Xiao! Any girl would be lucky to have their hands on such a pretty face..; even if Xiao does sort of have weirdly long eyelashes.

Xiao is bound to stop this behavior and pay more attention to Venti!
With that thought, Venti had already started making the preparations for this event.

"Mornin', Xiao!" Venti smiled brightly, seeming to be a little happier than usual. Gosh, the last time he was like this was when he won that goldfish at the fair when they were 7. (Which, have you know, proceeded to die a day later.)

Of course, Xiao immediately caught on to Venti's over-ecstatic mood. "..Goodmorning, Venti."

"I have a surprise!" Venti waved his fists up and down childishly as he bit onto the bottom of his lip, concealing himself from screaming right then and there.

Xiao nodded despite the confused look plastered onto his face. "What exactly is this 'surprise'—"

Before Xiao could even finish Venti pulled out his phone to reveal a..sign that said low battery.

"Ok? Cool."

"Huh?" Venti hummed and looked back at his device, he huffed slightly and clicked a bit before turning his phone back to Xiao. He had the same pose with invisible sparkles surrounding him.
What Venti had been trying to show Xiao was,, a dating app. Its profile had a very low-quality photo of Xiao and a short bio that had literally labeled every single detail about the other.

"You didn't."

"Yeah, I know!" As dumb as Venti was, he mistook this for Xiao being happy about it too.

Venti began to scroll on his phone through all of the hearts he had already received.
"See—this girl really seems to like you and—"

Venti was cut off.
"No, seriously. You didn't do that."

"Uhh, huh?"

"Why didn't you ask me before? Are you trying to get me a girlfriend or something?" Xiao had a vibrant scowl on his face.

"Yes, exactly! Wow, Xiao! You catch on so easily!"

Now, normally Venti wouldn't do things like this without permission. Even if he didn't show it, he was panicking about the thought of losing his best friend. Even if it meant Xiao prioritizing a girl over him.

"No way. Delete it." Xiao commanded in a plain voice, a bit of venom lacing it.
I thought this was supposed to be a fanfiction about playing Roblox, not an entire argument..

"Whatt~ no way! I worked so hard on this.." Venti pouted his bottom lip out, seeming defeated by the other males demands.

"You think I even -wanted- a girlfriend in the first place?" He looked absolutely..disgusted. But why? Isn't this like every teenage boys' dream?

"Come on, Xiao! I promise it won't be that bad—I know you're not really into this stuff..but uh.." Venti didn't even have an excuse this time. "You're an attractive guy! Why wouldn't you want a girlfriend at this point?"

To Venti's surprise, Xiao's expression only grew more fierce. Why was he so mad all the sudden, Venti couldn't understand.
Or maybe it was just his undying willingness to not know when to lay off and read the room.

"Venti.." Xiao began to speak. "I don't girls."
Between the rush of the moment was what got Xiao to say such a thing, instant regret struck his expression.

Venti paused, wide eyed before a nervous smile appeared. "You mean,,you're just not interested in dating?"


Xiao had had enough courage to say such a thing only to be immediately shot down.

"I'm going to take a nap—"

"But it's so early?"

Before Venti could speak more, Xiao had shut the door.


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