Chp.3 | How to Stop a Friends Addiction

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It had been a month since Xiao downloaded Roblox, well to be exact, a month and 4 days.
Xiao had been playing it nonstop despite the constant worry from Zhongli..and the encouragement from Childe.

He hadn't spoken to Venti much, he'd ask to play Roblox sometimes tho. Reluctantly enough, Venti would agree most of the time.

Suddenly, Xiao heard a knock at the door..but he was just lazily laying in his bed as he gave people death threats in royal high for calling his outfit bad.

"Xiao..? Anybody home?" The familiar voice called out through the door.

Xiao rolled his eyes, getting up as he walked over to the door and allowed the person to step in.

"Oh, hi Venti."

"Hi...Xiao." Venti replied, his ecstatic voice fading into a monotone seeming one noticing that Xiao wasn't even looking at him..rather he was on his phone fighting with some obvious children.

Venti stared at him silently, before Xiao could speak Venti had just stepped in on his own and shut the door behind him.

"..Xiao..?" He practically questioned.

Xiao didn't reply.


Again, the same lack of response.


"AGH! What—!" Xiao finally stated, flinching slightly from the sudden yelling.

"Don't you might have some sort of...I don't know..—"

"Some sort of what?"

"..Addiction per-say.."

Xiao stared at him blankly.
"Not that I know of."
He stated as he continued playing the game.

"...Ok. I know just the way to help this! Follow me!"

Venti's voice was enthusiastic, he began walking into the other room only to notice Xiao wasn't following along.

He took a few steps backward and grabbed onto Xiao's hand, almost dragging him to his room.
"Guh- hey!"


Venti tossed Xiao onto his bed.

"Ok then! Step..1, therapy!"

Xiao just stared at him, blinking slowly in the silence.

"..You're not a therapist—"

Xiao was cut off by Venti grabbing the phone out of his hand and simply turning the device off.
"Hey-! I was playing that!"

"Yeah, well not anymore!"


Venti sat down beside Xiao, forcing the other to lay down.

"So,, how does this addiction make you feel?" Venti asked in a sweet, calm tone.

Xiao gave Venti a confused look.
"..What addiction-"

"Shh shh...I know it's hard."

"Venti, what are you even talking about—"

"It's ok...I know that it can be difficult to overcome this."



"Ow! Why did you slap me?!" Venti pouted, looking at Xiao as he held onto his cheek.

"Because you wouldn't shut up."
Xiao sat up in the bed looking completely unfazed.
"Now what addiction are you going on about?"

"Your addiction to Roblox! If I had only known it would affect you so much I would've never introduced you to it.." Venti said as he looked up at the ceiling, god this isn't some Korean drama.



"Yes." Xiao let out a quiet sigh.
"..I don't have an addiction to Roblox. I don't even like that game." Xiao tsked at the 'idiotic' assumption.

Venti gave him one of those looks..the one that said, 'everyone would be able to tell except you.'

"Anyways, step 2! Overcoming the addiction." Venti exclaimed with a smile.

"Venti, no—and I'm pretty sure you skipped like 6 steps."

Venti ignored Xiao.

"So, alternatives! What about Fortnite?"

Xiao sighed, seeing no sign of Venti giving up at this rate.
"What's Fortnite?"

"It's a shooter game!" Venti replied enthusiastically. "It's really cool, you should try!"

"No thanks."

"..Ok, what about call o' duty?"


"Uh..identity V?"


Venti pouted slightly, seeming to be a bit disappointed.
"...Xiao, I'm starting to get the feeling you don't want to help change your addiction."


Venti let out a long dramatic sigh at the response from Xiao, flinging his head back.

"It's not that big of a deal, as I've already stated, I do not have any sort of interest in the game.." Xiao reassured Venti as he furrowed his eyes off to the side.

Venti only glared at him..but it was more so just a childish glare.
That's Venti for you.

It was silent until Venti practically jumped onto Xiao and began to..shake him?


And thus, the addiction was yet to be overcome. This obstacle seemed to be too daring for Venti to even cross,,
what a sad event.


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