Chp.9 | Wanna Meet Her?

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Xiao has stayed quietly in his room for the past few days, his parents were starting to get worried—by that I mean Zhongli was starting to get worried. He'd only come out for essential things, but every time he got food he'd just taken it back to his room. Thank god it's summer..although, Xiao would probably be doing the same thing if it weren't despite having school.

The truth was, he was embarrassed that he was upset about this.

Venti's had been texting him the entire time about how his little hang out went with the new girl he met, the amount of pettiness Xiao felt made him just not want to respond. It honestly felt as if he wasn't coming over lately to hang out with her—or maybe he's just watched too many k-drama's on this scenario.


He let out a small huff, annoyed that he was even annoyed by this situation. Annoyed that you're annoyed—anyways.. It honestly made the situation worse that Venti was non-stop texting him about the girl he liked..he almost seemed fixated on her or something.

Of course, these messages just went delivered so he was basically texted Xiao for nothing.

Well, what did Venti expect him to do..reply?!

He crossed his arms over his chest, lost in thought about what was happening. It felt like his best friend was being took away from his very grasp. It was like she had him wrapped around her pinky, and Xiao doesn't even know this girl or what she looks like!

Just at that though, he received another text.


VENTI: Omg uh she said she wanted to meet you
VENTI: Y'know,,the girl ive been talking about

Xiao looked at his screen in confusion.

She doesn't know me :Xiao

VENTI: About that..I kinda talked to her about you, cuz ur my best friend and all 😅

Did Xiao really want to meet this girl? The one that was taking Venti from him..?

Hell yeah he did.

Fine :Xiao

VENTI: Thanks!! We're heading to ___ right now!

VENTI is now offline


Was he really doing this? He didn't even know the first thing about this girl, what if this was just one of those 'best friend meets girlfriend' thing and they were already planning on going out?

He mentally groaned at that thought, wait a second. Why should he care? It was Venti, he couldn't even keep a romantic relationship up for a day, let alone a week. If he was really planning to date this girl, then Xiao had nothing to worry about..hopefully.
Even though that was sort of rude..


Although still worried, Xiao met up with the two anyways. It was just Venti and him standing there though, no site of the girl yet.

"Where is she?" Xiao asked as he looked over to Venti. Venti only looked back at him with an expression filled with anticipation, he had a light blush dusting his cheeks..just thinking about her made him like that?

He let out a small sigh, looking back ahead of himself, of course going unnoticed by the other.

"Don't worry, she's coming soon! Any minute by now!"  The other replied ecstatically.
Venti seemed as happy as ever with that same joy filled smile. The same one he used to have since they were just children.

Why was he so upset? In front of this idiot was so embarrassing. He just wanted to go home and lay in his bed.

"Uwah! Sorry I'm late—" A girl appeared as she nearly stumbled with the high heels she was wearing. Xiao looked over toward her, or down really..she wasn't exactly tall even with those elevated shoes.
"Hi, Sato!" Venti called out, running over to the girl. Sato smiled back at him.

So her name was Sato, huh? She looked really wonder Venti fell for her. Xiao was also pretty sure she was popular in school too, he's seen her pass the halls a few times and it seemed everyone's gaze was fixated onto her.

Xiao took a moment to examine her, as he didn't pay much attention to the girl in school. She had a little past shoulder length brown hair, it looked smooth and silky. Her eyes were a round pretty blue color with a hint of green, and her clothing style was a little..showy per say.
Not that there's anything wrong with girls trying to express themselves.

"Oh, Al-Xiao..! Sorry, you probably don't uh—" Sato began to speak, twirling her soft brown hair in between her fingers,"I'm Sato Ukizami, a senior!" She bowed, grinning from ear to ear.

Xiao nodded, bowing back. "I'm Xiao..I guess." He was very obviously stiff, he didn't even like meeting new people..why did he agree to this again?

Venti could spot the slight tension from Xiao, quickly changing the subject. "Anyways—I thought we could all get some ice cream!"

Sato nodded happily, gazing back at Xiao. "I assume we can be friends now..hopefully?"


With that, Sato seemed to give off a relieved look. She seemed to speed walk over to Xoao, latching her arm around his. "Then hopefully you won't mind if I start trying to make things less uncomfortable!"



A/N ; Almost didn't update this week..but, just so you know, it's took all my willpower to release this chapter! Surprised it's only 11:50 haha

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