Chapter 31: Nico's POV

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I looked at Reyna expectantly as she took a deep breath, "What colors do you guys want?" Will answered quickly, "Red." I chimed in, "And black." Reyna repeated it to herself, "Red and black. That could work."

Will and I returned home and went back to sleep.

We didn't wake up until the next morning, meaning that it was the day of the wedding.

I heard a faint knocking and I assumed it was Annabeth or Reyna.

I got up out of bed this time to answer the door.

It was Kourtney.

By the way Kourtney looked at me, I knew I must have looked pretty awful. I probably had dark bags under my eyes and my hair was probably sticking up everywhere.

She smiled at me, despite my appearance, "Reyna wants you to meet her at the café. Just you."

I nodded and retreated into my bathroom, throwing on clean clothes and some cologne, then fixing my hair.

I returned to the doorway and stepped outside into the harsh light. I traced my steps to the café we met Reyna at last night. I saw Reyna sitting across from Annabeth.

They were in deep conversation, but by the time I reached their table, they had ceased to speak.

Reyna and Annabeth got up and led me in the direction of the Italian place Will and I ate at our first night here. We passed the vendor and continued walking.

Reyna stopped when we arrived in front of a pale purple house. She mounted the steps and opened the door, revealing off white walls and black leather furniture.

I glanced at Reyna, "Is this your house?" Reyna nodded absently and padded up the stairs, motioning for us to follow her.

We ended up in Reyna's bathroom and honestly, I was scared.

What was she going to do to me?

Reyna pointed to the black tux and said, "Put it on." Then she walked out and closed me into her bathroom.

I walked out of the bathroom after glancing at my reflection. I had to admit, I looked less like a push over in a tux.

Reyna gasped when she saw me, "Nico, if you were straight I'd-" I cut her off, "No thanks. I don't want to know." Annabeth laughed, "You two are hilarious." Reyna smiled, "That's a first."

I asked, trying not to seem anxious, "Where's Will?" Annabeth giggled, "I can't tell you. The groom isn't supposed to see the bride before the wedding."

I began laughing uncontrollably, "Will? The bride?" Annabeth looked at me questioningly, "What's so funny." I composed myself, "Will always tells me I'm the female in the relationship."

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