Ch - 19

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I know stfu😞


Taehyung tightly holds Taeguk in his arms, his eyes burning red and shooting deadly glares towards Jungkook.

" Taehyung, please stay. You are not in a good condition now, take some rest, please. " Jungkook slowly walks towards the aforementioned male, who back away until his legs hit the bed where he was sleeping just a minute ago.

" I know when I have to take rest or not! Who are you to tell me what do I have to do?" Taehyung grits his teeth, trying his best to keep calm. He doesn't want to scare the two little kids present in the room. But little does he know he already did.

" Tae, please, you are having a high fever. If you won't take rest it will worsen! " Seokjin tries calming him down. He glances at Taeguk who was holding Taehyung's shirt like his life depends on it, his doe eyes were filled with tears. Seokjin's heart clenched at the sight.

" Tae, please listen to us. Once you calm from the fever you can seriously go back! " Hoseok says, his voice drained unlike the other times where it's very cheerfull.

For Hoseok, Taehyung was like his small and cute bestfriend. Whenever Taehyung was sad he would pout and nudge his former instructor, asking for hugs which the older gives back with a heart smile.

Taehyung would tell him how good his hugs are, and then say, " Hyungie, why did you work for mafia? You should have opened your own shop where you sell your hugs! You would have turned into a billionaire by now! " This would always bring a bright smile onto his face.

But when Taehyung left, Hoseok was separated from his bestfriend. Taehyung promised him they will be friends forever. But as the saying goes, ' Promises are meant to be broken'. Can't help it.

" H-hobi hyung....? " Taehyung stuttered out, his eyes turning glossy. After everything that happened from coming here and till now, this was the first time he noticed the man. His heart clenched at the sight of Hoseok, his hyung, looking at him with the same soft stare the older male used to give him when he was still a part of the Mafia.

" Yes Tae, it's me. Your hobi hyung. " Hoseok slowly walks towards the younger, his both arms extended to hug Taehyung. Taehyung sniffles and gets engulfed in a hug by Hoseok who wrapped his arms around the brown haired tightly.

" H-hyung...." Taehyung whisper outs shakily and holds on Hoseok's shirt with a tight grip. " Please take me away from him. Please! " The brown haired whispered, his grip on Taeguk and Hoseok's shirt softening because of the lack of energy.

" I will, but please, rest for a bit. I promise I won't let him even see you please I beg you! " Hoseok whispers back, but the younger shakes his head as a no. In no way he is going to stay here for a single minute.

" No hyung you don't understand, I can't let my son stay here for a second! " Taehyung's voice turns loud. Nujin looks at him with teary eyes thinking Taehyung didn't want Taeguk to stay because of him.

" Taehyung the one who doesn't understand is you! Take some rest please your health is turning worse. " Seokjin exclaims noticing how Taehyung have turned red, his eyes looking like they will close any second.

" I said I can take care of myse-" He was cut off by getting harshly pulled against a hard body, a tight grip on his chin and waist. Jungkook looked at him with a deadly stare, his eyes burning and his eyebrows narrowed in anger.

" I said, you have to stay here. " Jungkook ordered, still glaring into Taehyung's doe eyes which didn't stop streaming down with tears.

The raven haired male's regret and guilt were clouded with anger. The anger that build up in him out of the fear of loosing Taehyung's sight again.

Taehyung tried escaping from the tight grip, but it just hurt his delicate waist. Taehyung gathered up all the energy left in him and with great difficulty he pushed the Mafia leader away from him.

" Don't touch me with those filthy hands! " He looked back and saw Taeguk looking at him crying, he squat down to Taeguk's level and tried shushing him.

" I want to go eomma. " Taeguk managed to form some words between his sobs. " We are going baby, we are going home. " Taehyung comforted his son, kissing his forehead gently.

" No you are not! " The Mafia leader interrupts again. He didn't have nay reason to stop Taehyung other than him just not wanting the younger to leave. Jungkook just got him again, he cannot let the male go. The raven haired is ready to do everything in and out if his possession if it meant that Taehyung would stay.

" Why don't you let us go? Let me and Eomma go home! Just because you are older do you think we are going to listen to you? " Taeguk suddenly snaps. Sliding out from Taehyung's arms.

Everyone stares at Taeguk with wide eyes, specially Nujin. He loves Taeguk very much, but not more than his uncle. Seeing how Taeguk talked with his uncle, Nujin's heart suddenly turned sour towards Taeguk.

" How can you say something like that to my uncle? " Nujin suddenly yells and everyone's eyes lands on him this time.

" Because I can! Your uncle is being a jerk! Didn't you see how he grabbed my eomma?!" Suddenly Jungkook realizes something.

" Still you can't say something like that! I hate you Taeguk! You are not my bestfriend! " Nujin cries and runs out of the room sobbing. Seokjin glances at Taeguk and Taehyung for the last time with worry, and then runs after Nujin along with Namjoon.

Taeguk's eyes glisten with tears. Nujin broke there friendship, which he wanted to last long forever until they die. But because of just one person, his precious bestfriend left him. Because of Jungkook. He hates Jungkook.

If Jungkook would have just let them go, so much things won't have happen. If Jungkook didn't grabbed his eomma like that, it won't have angered him and he won't have said anything like that. If only Jungkook wouldn't have even existed, maybe Nujin's birthday wouldn't be ruined like this.

Taeguk hugs Taehyung waist and cries loudly, the broken sobs getting muffled because of burrying his face in Taehyung's waist.

" It's all because of you! " Taeguk again yells at Jungkook who's eyes burned in anger. Never in his fucking life he saw a kid like this. How dare someone say something like that to him.

" You say a fucking word once again and I will-" A slap cuts him off. Taehyung glares at him and Jungkook looks at him shocked, his one hand resting on his stinging cheek while Taeguk hugs Taehyung tighter scared of Jungkook.

Jungkook looks down at Taeguk, and then at Taehyung before storming out of the room slaming the door behind harshly.

" We are leaving. " Taehyung states and holds Taeguk's hand, who now follows his mother still crying. Hoseok and Yoongi, the only one who were left inside the room just let's him.

Taehyung quickly runs out of the mansion and gets inside his car, and with great difficulty he was able to detach Taeguk from himself. He was trying hard to focus on driving, but his blurry eyes and mind clouded with previous events made it harder.

The breathless nights he spend after running away from Jungkook before still haunts him. The pain he got from Jungkook is still hurting him. He keeps saying to himself that if only maybe he didn't fell in love with Jungkook, he wouldn't had to feel like that. But again,

He also couldn't have had taeguk.

If it weren't for his ten year old happiness, Taehyung would have killed himself.


Love you and happy new year in advance!!!! I started this book in March 16 year 2021, and now it's already gonna be 2022! Time flies so fast! But our love for BTS always stays the same. I just want to say thank you to those people who were there for me when i was sad and almost in the verge of giving up. And also to you all! Thanks for being with me! I love you so so much that words can't describe it. Once again, i love you and a happy new year! 💜💜💜💜💜

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