"...Kiara's shoes had non-slip pads under it. If it didn't work,then she should've tripped earlier when she was dancing.

Two,she could've tripped on something. But there's nothing that would make you trip."

"What about the third reason?"one of the principals asked.

"She could've be simply running too fast."Philip shrugged."But that would be her fault. Ms. Kiara,do you think you were running too fast?"

"Ah!Y-Yes,I think I was. Maybe I bumped into North."Kiara nodded desperately.

"But if you did bump into North,he should've been seen stumbling a bit from the impact."Philip added.

"O-Oh..."Kiara's face flushed red from humiliation.

"Plus,now that we're in the topic of tripping,tell me something."Philip walked closer.

"G-Go ahead."Kiara replied.

"If you tripped,why make a scene out of it?"

Kiara flinched. A shadow loomed over her face. Philip's eyes pierced right through her.

"You could've simply stood up and dusted yourself. Did you really have to blame North for your clumsiness?"Philip teased.

"Enough!"Kris yelled.

"Hey,YOU asked for an explanation."Philip pointed out."And I'm not finished yet.

Again,why would you lie about North pushing you?Is Ms. Kiara trying to get attention?"

"I-I..."Kiara gripped her dress.

"I don't think so. Our Ms. Kiara wouldn't do such a thing,would she?"Philip perked up."But I DID notice something."

Everyone perked up. Even Soviet was a bit intrigued with this.

"You were surprised when you saw North's face. I can only conclude why,but my guess is...Did you realize something?"

"Realize something?I don't know what you're talking about."Kiara said."I made a mistake."

"Such a silly mistake."Philip regarded."Actually,I have a more specific guess.

If you look at North from behind,you can't see much of him. But his blue hair is poking out,right?So I wonder...Was Ms. Kiara planning on accusing someone,but realized ahe got the wrong person?"

Kiara's expression says it all. She was shocked. Maybe Philip should stop...Nah...Why would he do that now?

"Since we can only see North's hair from behind,I think you wanted to frame someone with blue hair.

I wonder who if could be?"Philip started to fiddle with a strand of his hair.

Silence. Everyone looked at each other. They started to believe it until Kris asked something.

"How would you know it wasn't North then?"Kris asked.

Philip only smirked at him. It sounded like Kris believed that Kiara was actually framing someone. He's just trying to fight back with whatever he could use.

"Well,why would Kiara want to accuse an innocent passer-by?"Philip asked."If she wanted to frame someone,it should at least be someone she knows. Even just a little."

"And North DID say he didn't know Kiara."Russia added.

Everyone turned to the Russian. Kiara felt her heart drop. Was Russia on PHILIP'S side?

"No one in school knows Kiara other than me and my siblings."Russia continued.

"...Ms. Kiara."Philip called."You...get jealous easily,yes?"

Philip had his arms crossed and narrowed his eyes at the trembling girl. But he scoffed,the giggled.

"Of course,it's all just some crazy assumptions!"Philip said,going back to a cheery tone."You can forget all about it now."

With that,Philip walked away,bumping Kiara's shoulder along the way. Russia followed,and Malay and Vietnam glared at the Reynold siblings.

----------- -----------

"Eating?"Russia raised a brow.

"What?I'm not me when I'm hungry."Philip said,his mouth stuffed with strawberry.

"Was all of that really just an assumption?"Russia asked,going to the topic about what happened earlier.

"Maybe,maybe not. I just wanted to see Kiara's horrfied expressions."Philip shrugged."Want some?"

The Pinoy held out a chocolate-dipped strawberry to Russia. The latter smiled and took a bit out of it.

Kiara,who was watching from a distance,dug her nails into her palm. She huffed and stormed away. She didn't want to say stay and watch the person she attempted to frame feed her crush.

Soviet clapped his hands to get everyone's attention. The other principals were with him,except for the Reynolds.

"Everyone,please gather in the auditorium. The play will begin shortly."the principal announced.

Excited and eager murmuring rose from the crowd. They all headed for the place where the play was being held. And Indo must've ran off to get ready.

The big auditorium room was quite big. You could compare it to a cinema,but smaller. Philip took a seat,Malay and Vietnam sat on thr seats to the Filipino's left. Russia sat down besides Philip,too.

Kiara sat a few rows away. It angered her to see how close Russia was to someone and even compared herself with Philip.

"I'M prettier than him. And smarter. I'm the top student in our school anyways."Kiara bragged.

"Maybe. But our school's standards are kinda lower compared to this school."a girl from Kiara's school told.

After a few minutes,the play started. It was beautifully played by the student actors and actresses. And it was an opportunity for Soviet to brag about how talented his students are without even saying a word.

When the play finished,everyone applauded for the students and staff who worked hard on the play.

Things settled down,and the students were permitted to visit the actors back stage. Philip spotted Indonesia with a bunch of first-year students taking pictures with him.

Indo seemed to be enjoying the attention. When he spotted his friends,he waved them over.

"Yooo!Over here."he called out.

"Well isn't that a nice costume."Malay cooed.

Indonesia was dressed in an outfit that was fit for a prince. In the play,he played the role of a prince that helped the protagonist in his adventures.

"This is so uncomfortable to wear."the Indonesian whined.

"Well,you did great anyways!"Vietnam gave a thumbs-up.

"I hope you didn't get too drained with the Fall Party. There's still Halloween."Russia told.

"Hah?!You mean there's more?"Indo exclaimed.

"Of course. After all,this school is also popular for the events that it hosts."Russia said."Don't worry. It won't be a party. More like a festival."

"Aren't festivals grander than parties though?"Philip asked.

"Yes. But we won't be the ones enjoying the festival. We'll be working during the festival."Russia said.

"Work?You mean,like staffs?"Vietnam questioned.

"Yes. Other than that,we still have the Christmas Party."Russia added.

The four friends let out a groan. All of it sounds tiring,but maybe it'd be fun once it comes.


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