Letters to someone I wish could forgive me

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Dear annonnymous

You told me a sackful of lies, spun stories you tried passing off as truth, and made me seem like a fool. Then when I decided I'd had enough, you left me without a word.

I use to see you around but you did not care to even smile in my direction when I greeted you. Truly I felt bad for not confronting you, but I did try.

Then when you left for good, your tales began to be a source of entertaining memories. You were a drama all wrapped up in one. 

And then I saw you again. You were surrounded by loud cheerful friends who were eager to know what you were doing. I was too shy to appoach you but you saw me and smiled, even waved and called out to me.

I had never wished more, than at that time, to say SORRY!

Letters to my ________________Where stories live. Discover now