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"Don't touch them!" The blue haired girl from before was waving a gun around as tears rolled down her face.

You were gripping tightly to Yelena, who tried her best to be brave.

"Don't touch them! I will shoot!"

The Russian man smirked.

"Natasha. Put the gun down," our "father", Alexei, said in surrender.

"Please," she lowered the gun slightly but still begged. 

"Y/N is only nine! Yelena's only six! You can't do this...please," her body was shaking violently as she sobbed.

"You were even younger," Alexie replied calmly. "Everything will be okay."

He carefully took the gun from her and let the men rip the three of us away from each other.

Yelena began kicking and screaming as soon as the men violently seized her. 

"Yelena!" You cried out.

Natasha was still trying to squirm away, but it was useless.

All of it was useless.

You sat up quickly, ready to attack if necessary. 

"Hey, hey. Nobody here wants to hurt you," A man with glasses and a lab coat said kindly. 

You didn't respond, you just began observing your surroundings.

Exits? Only one, a glass door across the room that you could see people standing right outside of. 

Security? Maximum, you took notice of the multiple surveillance cameras and silent alarms.

Threat? Unknown.

The man saw how tense you were and tried to lighten the situation, "I'm Doctor Banner. I-uh...I ran some tests while you were sleeping." 

You glared at the man.

"I'm sorry, I feel like we're getting off on the wrong foot here," he said obviously bewildered by your hostility.

"I don't have many fond memories of men in lab coats," you told him.

It was true. In fact, you didn't have many fond memories in general.

Or memories for that matter.

"Well, I'm no normal doctor," he said with a chuckle.

You squinted suspiciously at him, "What do you mean?."

He looked down at the floor, "I'll tell you my dirty secrets if you tell me yours."

You looked down at your hands, "There are no secrets to tell."

He smiled back up at you, "Everybody has secrets."

"But not everybody can remember them," you replied.

You could practically see the gears turning in his brain. 

"I'll be right back." 

After a long few minutes of silence, the doctor came back in with a blonde haired blue eyed man. 

He walked over to the hospital bed you were in and held his hand out, "Hi. I'm Steve Rogers."

When you looked down at it warily, he closed his fist, "Alright. Not one for friendly gestures. Noted." 

He walked over to a workstation with Dr. Banner.

"So...Y/N," He started.

Your whipped your head around to face him. Y/N? Who the hell is Y/N?

He could see the confusion in your face and glanced over at Banner. "She really doesn't remember anything does she. Reminds me a lot like Buck when he first got here."

What were these people talking about and why were they referring to you as Y/N? You'd had just about enough, so you stood up shakily and tried walking out.

Steve immediately rushed to steady you, "Whoa there. There's plenty of time for all that, but for now you should get some rest."

He stood in your way of the door. There was no escape, so you decided to go back to the hospital bed...reluctantly. 

To your surprise, you really were tired. Steve and Dr. Banner left the room so you could at least attempt to get some sleep.




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