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2 weeks later

You were dragging your brand new suitcase across the room. It was packed with a bunch of new clothes Wanda helped you pick out on your most recent shopping trip. 

As you swung open your bedroom door, you found Bucky in the hallway carrying a suitcase of his own with ease. 

You dropped the luggage on the ground, catching your breath. "Thanks for coming with me," you tell Bucky.

"What are friends for?" He gave you a grin that sent butterflies to your stomach. 

Bucky walked over, using his effortless strength, and slung your bag over his shoulder before picking up his own with his metal hand. 

Once you guys were outside the compound, he began loading your things into the trunk of his car.

You saw Tony out of the corner of your eye, strutting down the driveway towards the two of you.

"I hate to do this. The only semi-tolerable person in the damn tower is leaving," he said with a pout. 

Bucky shrugged. "It happens Tony, but you'll see me again someday!" He gave him a pat on the shoulder before getting into the drivers seat.

Tony just rolled his eyes.

"Be careful kid," he said as he pulled you in for a hug. 

A few moments later, Steve and Sam came out to say goodbye as well. 

"Now when you come back, I expect the baby to be named Sam Junior," he said giving you a serious look.

You gave him a shocked look that made him cackle.

Sam was the only one who knew of your crush on Bucky and you really hoped Bucky didn't hear his little comment.

"Goodbye Samuel!" You said as you gave him a quick hug.

Wanda and Pietro ran up to you, Pietro making it to you first obviously.

As he wrapped his hands around your waist, Wanda's eyes began glowing red. She lifted a small rock off the ground and flung it at his head with her telekinesis.

"Hey!" He shouted as he turned around and scowled at his sister.

Wanda gave you a big hug, so big you thought she would crush your ribs.

"Bye Y/N, I hope you find what you're looking for. Don't forget me, okay?" She smiled with tears in her eyes.

You laughed and pulled her in for another hug, "I could never."

Once everyone had said their goodbyes, they went back inside.

You waited for a couple minutes before getting into the car, hoping Natasha would come out and see you off.

But she didn't.

You buckled your seatbelt and looked over to find Bucky staring at you with a goofy smile.

"Yes?" You laughed.

"Nothin'," he replied nervously before putting the key in the ignition. 

You shook your head and laughed softly as the two of you began driving away from the compound.




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