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You knew the feeling of suffocation all too well

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You knew the feeling of suffocation all too well. So as you sunk to your knees and clawed at your throat, it brought you back to a memory you'd long forgotten.

Sinking deeper and deeper. The sunlight reflecting on the water above you as the world became distant. Your muscles were weak and so you continued to fall into the depths.

You didn't have any more fight left in you.

But just as you had caught a glimpse of the end, of freedom, you were yanked back to the surface. A black glove gripping the front of your shirt.

Your eyes followed where it led. A silver surface reflecting the light and a red star. When you looked up to meet the eyes of the man, all you saw were the eyes of a monster. Cold, empty, merciless.
For a moment, you'd thought you'd been saved. But only a moment. His free fist collided with your face at full force, knocking you back into the unforgiving waters.

You spat out blood as your face hit the floor and a knee dug into your back. Now that you were on the ground you could get some momentum. You flipped over, causing your assailant to lose their balance.

As soon as you'd regained a stable stance, you kicked them in the chest making them stagger back.

You rubbed at your sore neck as you watched the person fall onto one knee gracefully into a fighting pose. That's when you caught it, the blonde locks. The same shade of sunshine.

Just as you began to speak her name she charged at you. The impact threw you into a cabinet and rocked your skull. You groaned in pain as you tried to block her other attacks.

"Please. I won't fight you," you refused, but it didn't make her slow her pace. She pulled a knife from the block and charged at you. "Shit!" you shouted.

By this point, Bucky had heard the commotion and was trying to get in but the door was jammed. He slammed his body against it over and over desperately.

You created as much distance between you and the girl as possible. As she made her way towards you, you struggled a bit before knocking the weapon away from her.

That only pissed her off more and she ran towards you, grabbing onto you and crashing into the full length window.

You both went tumbling out of the building, grabbing onto anything you could. You were holding onto some kind of rain gutter and she was just below you gripping onto the ledge of a window.

Your arms were littered with glass shards, making it harder to hold on each second. You looked down at her, an untamable anger in her eyes before she reached up with one hand and grabbed onto your dangling leg.

You couldn't hold on any longer and the two of you spiraled towards the ground.

The door splintered as Bucky finally burst through it. He shouted your name. Louder when you didn't answer.

The place was destroyed, but he noticed the window immediately and ran towards the opening.

He looked down, searching for your limp and bloodied body but there was nothing but glass below.

He looked down, searching for your limp and bloodied body but there was nothing but glass below

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