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You stretched out on the cold hardwood floor and wrapped the blanket around your arms.

The sun was peeking in through the curtain and illuminating the room as you listened to the birds chirp. 

Your brain was still waking up from the long night of sleep, so you hadn't yet realized that you were alone. 

Bucky was gone. 

You thought about it for a moment and frowned. 

Why had he left?

Was he even here to begin with?

You took a deep breath to keep your anxiety from rising any further. "Don't overthink it," you told yourself before getting up and going to brush your teeth. 

You'd already gotten dressed and just as you were finishing up, you heard a knock on the door. 

You walked over and opened it slowly, peeking out cautiously. A short man with brown hair and a goatee was arching one of his brows at you. 

"Well are you coming down for breakfast or do I have to drag you there myself?" He asked with a smirk. You frowned slightly at his comment. 

"Tony," he introduced himself. "Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. And, also the owner of this little compound you happen to be staying at. About that, who are you and where did you come from? Because, I don't just let anybody in here, but Steve thinks he can do whatever he wants." 

You smiled a little at the last comment. 

"I'd tell you, but I'm not really sure myself. Y/N," you replied with a smile. 

You could've sworn you saw a ghost of a smile on his face, but before you had any time to double check, it was gone.

"Well, Barnes is downstairs trying to make breakfast. Which he never does, so you must be real special. But, if he burns the kitchen down, I'm putting the blame on you."

With that he turned the corner.

You leaned against the door frame and took a moment to gather your courage for the day before making your way down to the kitchen.

Bucky was, in fact, standing over the stove scrambling eggs. And burning them, but the thought is what counts. 

You smiled a bit and quietly sat down on a nearby stool next to a man with dirty blonde hair. He was fiddling with some arrow that was broken in pieces. 

He glanced up at you before returning his attention to the device. 

"So you're the new kid, huh?" 

You raised your eyebrows, starting to feel more comfortable around this place. "I suppose so." 

"I'm Clint, the cool one, and just so you know, Stark sure as hell won't make it easy on you," he laughed. 

You smiled to yourself. Tony seemed to have a...big personality, to say the least. So you weren't all that surprised.

Bucky shyly set a plate of shriveled scrambled eggs down in front of you. You grinned, "Thank you. And, thank you for last night." 

A man with buzzed hair and chocolate brown eyes overheard as he walked in, and sent a suggestive glance towards Bucky while wiggling his brows. 

Bucky just glared at him. 

Eventually, everyone was in the kitchen introducing themselves. You met Pietro, Wanda's very attractive brother, who kissed your hand flirtatiously. 

Peter, who apparently didn't live in Avenger's tower, but visited often.

Sam, who was the one that teased Bucky.

Thor and Rhodey, who were very kind and gave you warm welcomes. 

And Pepper, who said, and I quote, "Pepper Potts. CEO of Stark Industries, and the person who cleans up after these children." 

The only person missing was Natasha.

Once you'd finished your meal, you wandered around the compound, looking for Bruce. 

Finally, you came across a door that had Banner printed on the glass. 

Before you could finish knocking he let you in and told you to have a seat. Dr. Banner was shuffling through papers and forms nervously as he tried to find the right way to tell you what he'd learned. 

"So um, so far the tests show positive vital signs, so that's some good news," he said enthusiastically. 

You knew better.

"And the bad news?"

He looked at the floor. "Whatever experiments and tests Hydra had you under, caused a large amount of damage to your temporal lobe. That's the part of your brain that processes information and saves your memories," he said trying to explain it as best as he could. 

You frowned, "But I can get them back, right? My memories?" 

"Yes, but it may take some time. Bucky went through something similar as you, but his scans weren't nearly as complicated," he said holding up an MRI form. 

You felt your heart drop. 

Bucky? So that's why he'd been so nice.

"If you don't mind my asking, what exactly did we 'go through'," You questioned. 

He fiddled with his thumbs, "You really want to know? It might be too much right at first."

You nodded slowly.

"From what I gather, you were raised in the Red Room, correct?" 

His voice began to grow distant and your vision blurred. 

Red Room. 

"And they made you pose as Alexie Shostakov and Melina Vostokoff's daughter?"

You tried focusing on something.


But, every time he spoke you felt a sharp pain in your head. 

"-You, Natasha and Yelena were separated."


"Yelena!" You heard yourself shout. 

The men were dragging her into a black van. 

"Yelena, NO!"

The scene faded away and now you were laying in a field of grass. 

"Will we be sisters forever?" Yelena asked as she twirled a daisy between her fingers.

You smiled at your younger sister, "Forever and ever!"




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