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Bucky had left a while ago.

It was getting late now, so Steve came up to your room with food, "I would've invited you to eat dinner with all of us, but I figured you might want to get comfortable first." 

You smiled at the man and took the food, "Thank you."

He was about to turn and leave, but you stopped him. "Steve, can I ask you a question?"

Steve got a worried look but tried to conceal it, "Yeah. Anything." 

You paused for a moment, trying to find the right words.

There weren't any.

"Natasha, she's my sister...right?" You asked, looking down at the floor.

Steve smiled sympathetically and just gave you a small nod before leaving. 

You sighed and set the plate of food down on your nightstand. 

You weren't hungry.

Picking up the T.V remote, you decided to figure out how to use the television. It wasn't too hard. Power button, volume control, different channels. 

You settled on some cartoon with puppets that gave you a sense of nostalgia.

A knock on the door made you lose focus on the show that had you smiling a few moments ago. You paused the T.V, "Come in."

A girl with strawberry blonde hair walked in with a huge smile on her face. She was holding a bunch of shopping bags. 

"I didn't know your size so I just got you multiples of everything," she sat the bags down on your bed. 

You got up and reached your hand out to shake hers, but she pulled you into a hug. 

You didn't return it only because you were shocked.

She pulled away, "Sorry. It's just so exciting to have another girl in the compound. I mean, there's Natasha, but you know, she's pretty reserved. And then Pepper, but she's always busy. I'm Wanda."

You smiled a bit. She seemed sweet.

You looked down at the bags of clothes she got you, "You didn't have to do all of this."

She shook her head, "Oh no no, it's okay. I used Stark's credit card."

You gave her a wary look. You hadn't met Tony Stark yet, but from what you gathered, he didn't seem like the type of man to just hand over his credit card to anyone.

"Well, usually he isn't, but I'd like to think that Stark's grown rather fond of me," Wanda said answering the questions in your thoughts.

Your eyes widened, it was almost as if she knew what you were thinking.

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