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2 years later

For the past two years, You and Bucky had been traveling all over the place searching for any sign of your sister.

Thanks to Tony, you guys had enough resources to move around.

You honestly didn't know what you would've done without him.

The current hotel you'd been staying at was located in the center of Budapest.

The two of you had received an anonymous tip a few days ago from someone claiming they had seen who you were looking for.

"Hey, doll," Bucky whispered as he walked over to the bed, setting a tray of breakfast on your lap.

Okay- so maybe I forgot to mention that the two of you had become...close.

He was easy to confide in, and always knew what you were thinking. You loved him more than anything, but still couldn't find the right words to tell him.

You smiled at the soldier and made room for him to sit next to you.

He grinned and got comfortable in the place beside you.

As soon as he tried to pluck a piece of french toast off your plate, you smacked his hand.

"Get your own!" You laughed.

"You can share!" He protested, but when you glared at him he finally gave up.

Bucky chuckled a little and rested against the headboard.

After a long pause you spoke up, "Hey, Bucky?"

He looked over at you expectantly.

"Do you think we're ever going to find her?" You asked feeling discouraged.

Bucky looked down. He didn't want to lie to you, but he didn't want you to lose hope either.

The last two years had been an emotional rollercoaster. Following one lead after another and always turning up empty.

He decided to wrap his arm around you. "It'll be alright, doll."

You smiled sadly and laid your head on his shoulder.

In that moment, it felt like you could believe anything he said.

Maybe it really would be okay.

Maybe you would finally see Yelena again.

Maybe you guys could be a family again.


Or maybe it was all a lie.


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