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You and Bucky made your way through a run-down apartment complex.

Your hands were shaking from the pure possiblity of it all.

"Stay here, I don't want her to feel like she's being ambushed," You say to Bucky quietly.

He nods and stays reluctantly, ready to rush in if anything goes wrong.

You slowly wrapped your hand around the cold door handle.

You gave it a couple twists, but it fought back.


Without another thought, you kicked the door in.

Inside there was a musty smell and the halls were dimly lit.

Paint was chipped off the walls near the roof, giving it a vintage look.

An eerie silence filled the thick atmosphere as you tiptoed around the place, checking every corner.

Your heart sank as you realized nobody was there.

Maybe it was time to go back to the Avengers tower.

Once you'd finally decided to give up, you felt something wrap around your neck.

The object was pulled tight, causing you to reach your hands up and attempt to claw it away.

You felt the cloth like texture against your fingertips as the air escaped your lungs.

Your body was beginning to feel heavy so you slunked down to your knees, letting your eyelids flutter shut-

To Be Continued

To Be Continued

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