Stop the breakout (warn meme)

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As you saw blaza, oompa, jooice, and laff breaking out socks you ran to memes house to warn him about the breakout. Blaza saw you run to memes house and as you ran to his house you could hear. "Y/U SAW US HURRY!" You ran into memes house and shouted "THEIR BREAKING SOCKS OUT!" Immediately meme, tbh, you, and nadwe booked it out. You saw the prison open with no sign of anyone being there. "GOD DANG IT!" Meme shouted as he stormed off back to his home. You, nadwe, and tbh both followed meme

"Well socks escaped, I'm sorry guys I should've stopped them" you said. "No no y/u it's not your fault, we should've known someone would've broken out socks eventually" meme responded with little anger in his voice. "Don't worry they couldn't have gone far, and they probably don't have anything!" Tbh said confidently. "Yeah that's probably true, if we think of a battle plan we probably could get socks back in prison and secure it!" Nadwe said aswell. "See meme we will get socks back into the prison." You said. "Thanks guys, we will get socks back into prison!" Meme said. "Anyways I'm probably gonna get off" tbh said ending his stream. "Same I'm probably gonna go aswell" meme said before ending his stream and leaving. "Bye!" Tbh said before leaving. "Well nadwe what are you gonna do?" You asked the 14 year old. "I'm probably going to go grind and get some gear, what about you?" Nadwe asked. "I might go talk to some people and see how everyone's feeling" you responded before leaving the vc and just walking around.

You stumbled across this military base? Inside you see there is some name tags so you walk inside. You are surprised to see blaza, and oompa talking. You decide to go join the conversation. "Hey guys!" You said as they both just looked at you and said nothing. "Is something wrong?" You said. "Uhm yeah it's not like you ratted us out or anything" Blaza said with anger in his voice. "Yeah like what the heck man!?" Oompa said aswell. "I didn't tell anyone about anything, I just ran in shock." You said lying. "I don't believe you, as soon as we left we saw meme and tbh both run outside with you following!" Blaza shouted. "Alright so maybe I did tell them so what?" You said. "YOU COULD'VE GOTTEN US IN MAJOR TROUBLE THATS WHAT!" Blaza shouted in anger holding a sword. You noticed Blaza holding the sword as you turned around and ran. You heard shouts of anger behind you but you continued running.

You arrived at town eventually as you stopped out of breath from running, when you looked up you saw the 14 year old standing right infront of you concerned. "Hey y/u are you ok?" Nadwe asked. "Y-yeah in fine" you said out of breath. "What happened?" Nadwe asked you. "I found Blaza and o-oompa and t-they tried to a-attack me..." you said still out of breath. Nadwe looked at you before looking back up. "Well that happens sometimes." Nadwe responded. "Yeah I guess it does" you said. Nadwe looked around before handing you an enchanted iron sword. "Here just in case that happens again" Nadwe said smiling before walking off. You looked at the sword putting it into your inventory. You smiled and ended your stream and logged off from the smp. Ending your first day on the smp.

(A/N only 588 words I ran out of ideas sorry, I also hope you enjoyed.

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