New friends? (No side)

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Y/n started their stream "alright guys I know this stream isn't at the normal time. But I'm gonna be starting early a bit with some friends..." y/n said opening up Minecraft. "Now today we're doing some lore. So let's start"

Y/n pov: (also first POV POG.)

I hopped onto the smp and slowly got out of bed. I feel terrible as I try to get up. My legs hurt a lot from all the running last night. I got up and walked down the stairs stumbling a bit. I heard nothing, it was just silence. I decided to have breakfast and devoured a laff loaf I still had, I was starving. I slowly sat down just trying to relax. I looked at my phone and saw a bunch of messages from nadwe, laff, and Jooice. I would've responded but I just was too tired to. I just sat there relaxing listening to calm sounds of silence. When there was a knock at the door.

"Y/n?" I heard a concerned laff say. "It's me laff, I'm here with nadwe and Jooice! Are you okay? You haven't responded to any messages so far!" Laff said again. I decided to get up and walk to the door slowly, not caring about my messed up hair as I opened the door. "H-hey guys..." I said tiredly. "Y/N YOUR OK!" Laff shouted as he hugged me. "We thought you were dead!" Jooice added aswell. I just stood there letting laff hug me. After a minute laff stopped hugging me. "So did you g-guys just come to check up on m-me...?" I said still tired. "Well we were going to go hang out and we wanted to come see if you wanted to join." Nadwe said smiling. I just stood there thinking. I mean it was probably better than sitting here all day. "Yeah I don't have any other plans so I'll join you guys." I said before grabbing my bag and heading out.

I followed the group not knowing where we were going until we pulled up to a building. "What are we doing here?" I asked not knowing where we were. "This is just a chilling area we built a while ago" Nadwe said. "Yeah and we figured what happened last night you probably need a break, besides no one else really knows about the spot." Jooice said. "Yeah well there's board games and video games, all the stuff like that." Laff said looking around the place. "Hmmm board games sound really nice right now." You said.

After playing board games for a few hours Nadwe looked at his watch. "Oh it's getting late I promised muffin we would hang out. I'll see you guys later!" Nadwe said before leaving. "And may that be my exit aswell." Jooice said also leaving. "Well it's just the 2 of us left y/u. What should we do?" Laff said looking through the board games. "Hmmm idk wanna go play some video games?" You said Kinda getting bored of board games. "Well we can go play video games, which one do you wanna play?" Laff asked. "Hmmmmm how about super brawl siblings?" You suggested. "Sure that sounds fun!"

You both moved over to the gaming room as you sat down and hugged laff. "Thanks for cheering me up after last night." You said. "It's no problem I know it's rough seeing friends fight." Laff said hugging back, and after that you guys continued playing super brawl siblings. "HOW ARE YOU SO GOOD AT THIS!?" You shouted in rage as laff laughed. "It just takes a lot of time and practice mate" laff said. "It's getting pretty late I should get back home, need to be able to wake up in the morning." You said getting up and hugging laff again. "I can't thank you enough for cheering me up.". "It's no problem mate you are a friend of mine" laff said before ending the hug. "See you tomorrow y/u" he said before walking out of the place. You got up and grabbed your stuff before leaving and walking back home.

You walked over to your house and saw socks standing there as you walked closer he looked up and walked over to you. "Hey.... y/u... I'm sorry about last night... I shouldn't have brought you into that fight." He said. He sounded sorry. "Thanks for your apology, and I guess it's fine..." you say. "So that means your still on my side right?" Socks said. "OMG SOCKS! I don't care about the sides! If this is all that you came here to apologize for buzz off!" You said anger in your voice. "Listen I'm innocent! I'm not guilty" socks said. "I don't care, I think your innocent and not at the same side as anyone! Now goodnight!" You shouted as you entered your house and slammed your door. You could hear socks sigh and walk away.

You walked over to your kitchen quickly ate a laff loaf, making sure to buy more because you were running out of them, and walked over to you bed and laid down and closed Minecraft. "Well guys that was it for today's stream, see you guys tomorrow!" You said ending your stream as you got a message on discord, it was from socks. "Hey! Just to make sure your not mad at me in real life right?" It read. "No of course not!" You guys chatted for hours before he had to leave. You made some food and went to bed.

(A/N 930 words!
Sorry for not posting I've had no internet for a while, and i will be making sure to update my other book. Well see you guys and which side do you want next? It will be for a chapter.

Y/N in Socks Smp!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant