Go to meme (memes side)

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I got up from my chair and walked over to meme as we all cheered! "WOOOOO!" I shouted excited now that socks will finally get thrown in prison. Laff walked over to socks. "You disgust me mate" he said walking up to his podium and started throwing laff loafs over to us. "FREE LAFF LOAFS FOR THE RIGHT SIDE!" He said as I caught laff loaf becoming zoning out. I saw flames enter the courthouse. People screaming and shouting and socks running away as I zoned back into reality looking over at meme tapping his shoulder. "What y/n?" He said as laff announced socks was guilty in the background. "Listen you may not believe me but I saw flames coming through the courthouse and socks-" I said before flames came rushing through the courthouse. "DRAGON!" Someone shouted before everyone panicked and ran. I saw socks run off through a window as I chased after him not letting him get away.

Socks ran towards his base as I ran after him, not letting him out of my sight as he ran inside. I slowly walked into the base not wanting him to know I was there. He grabbed meme gods medical degree and some other stuff before running into the portal. After he went through I walked up to the portal and entered it seeing him facing the other way holding memes medical degree. I went to grab it as I pulled it out of his hands. He looked shocked as turned around and saw me. "Y/N how did you find me here!" He said pulling out a sword. "Meh I just followed you as soon as you jumped out that window" I said pulling out my sword, ready to fight him. "Well give me back the medical degree and we can both go our other ways" he said walking backwards. "No and I will be taking you back to the jail!" I said as he sighed. "Alright then it's a fight you want it's a fight you will get"

(Ok so Imma try to write a fight scene here, just bare with me Pls if it's bad, and there is some gore so if you don't like feel free to skip. also third person pov)

Socks charged at y/n slashing his sword at them as y/n blocked kicking socks in the chest. As he stumbled back. "If you want to not go back to jail you are gonna have to try harder then that!" Y/N said as socks charged again except this time slashing at the legs Y/N didnt expect it stumbling a little bit before slashing socks across the arm. Socks backed up pulling out a bow and shooting it at y/n. It hit y/n in the chest as they backed up coughing up some blood. Socks charged again as y/n attacked first stabbing socks in the leg as he slashed y/n in the chest again just above the arrow. Y/N stumbled back closer to the edge with a lava pit beneath. As they held their sword in a blocking position. Socks ran over and slashed at y/n as they blocked before kicking them in the chest sending y/n off the edge and falling into the lava pit as socks looked over at y/n falling into the pit before running over. Y/N fell slowly into the lava pit landing in and starting to burn as their eyes closed.

(Ok end of fight scene and back to y/ns POV)

I hit the lava as I sank in my eyes closing, this is how I die, but as I was burning alive I was being pulled I slowly open my eyes no longer in the lava to see socks look at me and run away. He didn't let me die? He just didn't run away and leave. Maybe I misjudged him. My eyes closed again my whole body in pain and just out of energy. I heard chatter around me in who knows how long I slowly open my eyes to see nadwe, Jooice, and muffin. I can't hear that much since my ears are probably burned up but as soon as I move a little bit they all look at me, seeming happy and relived? I can't hear what they are saying but I think they are trying to talk to me. I try to talk but only sounds come out of some letter. "G- I- t- m-" my neck hurts a lot when I try to talk. They all look at eachother and look at me before picking me up and walking out of the Nether and into the overworld. My eyes close again.

I wake up a bit later to see meme, nadwe, Jooice, and tbh all there talking I look to my left to see a heart monitor, it then hit me. I'm in meme gods medbay. I try to get up but my whole body hurts and feels like it's being burned meme looks over at me and lightly pushes me so I'm still laying down. It's hard to hear still but I can make out some words. "Lay d- y/n. You, lava, burned. Body. In. Very, critical shape." Meme said before turning around and continuing talking to everyone else. I lay there staring at the roof just remembering everything that happened. My whole body is in pain, I would've been dead if it weren't for socks. Maybe he isn't as bad as I thought. I close my eyes and go to sleep hoping that I get to live another day.

I feel like I woke up but I'm in a white empty room and infront of me is another y/n who has the same yellow eye, but has dirt, blood, and ragged clothes on them. They also look at me we make eye contact before they say something. "Hello?" They said looking at me seeing me all burnt up. "H-I" I said my voice sounded scratchy as we both got pulled away. Then everything went black.

(A/N 1020 words one of my biggest chapters so far, and thank you guys so much for 200 reads! It has been amazing writing this book and to have so many people read it is amazing! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will be updating more often, so see ya next time here or in my other book)

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