Court day (no side)

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I woke up and started my computer, getting ready to stream when I got a message from laff. "Your gonna be late y/n were taking socks to the court" I quickly responded with. "Alright logging on now." I started the stream. "Alright guys today is the court day, and I need to get going unless imma be late." I said as I hopped on.

I got on and ran towards the court I heard everyone setting up as I entered seeing everyone sitting down, I sat down in the somewhat back, not really caring about the so called sides that have been formed. "This will officially start the trail of the people vs socks, now socks what do you plead?" Laff said looking over at socks and blaza. "Blaza will speak for me" socks said as Blaza starting stuttering before getting up. "D-defendent Uhm Uhm against?.." Blaza said as everyone started laughing. "How does he plead?" Laff said. "I have to stand here right? That's how court works?" Blaza said standing in the middle of the court room as everyone murmured in agreement. "So here's my evidence to show-" Blaza tried to say before getting interrupted. "No Blaza your mean to say I plead innocent" socks said laughing a bit as everyone else started to chuckle. "Alright Blaza sit down. I plead myself innocent." Socks said. "You plead yourself innocent?" Laff said before everyone started laughing, damn socks is already off to a bad start.

"Why don't you stand up here and present some of your evidence" laff said to memegod. "Actually I would like to present my evidence last, but my team will present their evidence first" meme said as tbh started talking. "Which means me!" Tbh said. "Your gonna be sharing your screen tb?" Laff said as tbh agreed so we all went to look at his video. It was the jack box video. "Just like in the sock smp I kill wictoria the cow!" Socks said in the video as tbh paused and everyone started taking and saying ooooooo. Before socks said. "No no no no no, you play the rest of the video that was out of context!" Blaza shouted in back agreeing as laff walked over to tbh. "May you please play the rest of the video tbh?" Laff said. "Sure I'll play the rest of the video." He shared his screen again and we watched the video.

We watched the video and then came the part where socks said. "That's how you do it, I know from personal experience" his face went shocked as meme and tbh both went OOOOO. "PERSONAL. EXPERIENCE" meme god said as everyone looked at socks. "I meant from the fact that the cow died and you blamed me and I got thrown in prison so that's how you get away from meme god." Socks said as some people reluctantly agreed. "Alright well uh."laff said. "Blaza go defend me." Socks said to Blaza as Blaza stood up. "Well as you see here. THE VIDEO WAS FAKED!" Blaza shouted causing me to laugh a bit in the back getting some looks. "SHUSH! You messed up!" Blaza said to meme god and tbh before huddling up with socks making you unable to hear the conversation for a minute. "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN I WOULD LIKE TO ANNOUNCE THAT THIS COURT CASE IS SPONSORED!" Laff said interrupting everyone as well looked over at him. At this time I decide to move up closer to everyone. Everyone started laughing as it played.

"Laff loafs are a healthy and nutritious addition to any balanced diet! From the finest wheat grown on the most lushient farm!" The commercial before oompa ran down the isle throwing bread shouting. "FREE LAFF LOAFS!" Everyone laughed and cheered. "That will gaurentee every bite will have you coming back for more" the ad continued people still laughing. "With every loaf made fresh in the morning, it is guaranteed you will only eat it's delicious produce." The ad said before tbh interrupted saying. "LOOK ITS ME!" Before the ad continued. "I love laff loafs! They are healthy and a nutritious balance to any diet" he said as a gun pointed to his head making us all laugh our heads off. "Laff loafs I bought enough to last me and my family until 2033" Obama said clearly edited with a voice changer. Everyone started cheering and clapping at the ad.

After the ad and free laff loafs muffin went up to the stand. "It was supposed to be serious music but it was copyrighted so I had to change it a bit." Muffin said before playing a video of him talking right into his microphone making it all static as everyone laughed as the words guilty appeared on the screen. No one knew what he was even saying at all. "I think that's enough evidence" meme said. "We don't even know what he said!?" Socks said back.

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