Breakout Time (helping socks)

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You went over to blaza, oompa, juice, and laff breaking out socks and started helping them. After a minute you finally got socks out. You saw socks rush over to memes house and come out with a book. "What's that book you have?" You asked as socks put it away. "Oh it's meme gods medical degree" socks said back. "WAIT YOU STOLE HIS MEDICAL AGREE" oompa shouted in shock. "Yup, now if he comes for me I will burn it > : )" socks said with a grin on his face. "Well that's smart, now you have leverage" you said back to socks before heading off.

You all arrived at a military base, you were all shocked but you shrugged it off. Now at this point socks ended his stream and left but you stayed on. You walked around until you saw oompa and blaza talking and you decided to go join the conversation, "hello guys!" You said. "Oh hey y/u (your username) how are you?" Blaza said. "Oh I'm exhausted, that was a very intense day" you said eating some food to restore your hunger. "Well it was very intense and probably the most for you, you survived a nuke, A LITERAL NUKE" oompa said. "I mean yeah, and I don't feel that different at all, must've been lucky I guess" you replied to oompa. "And we probably just started a war by freeing socks" blaza said tiredness creeping in his voice. "Well I'm probably going to get off and edit some videos" oompa said. "I'm probably gonna get off too so I'm ending the stream guys." Blaza said. "Meh I'm probably gonna grind and go talk to other people for a bit" you said. "Well then, before I go guys I want you to go watch y/n! It's either that or meme and do you want to support the other side? I don't think so!" Blaza shouted making you and oompa laugh. "Thanks Blaza I appreciate it!" You said before everyone else left.

You checked the server tab to see who else was on, it was you, laff, meme, tbh, and nadwe. You decide to go grinding while you talk to the chat, as you get full diamond you get messaged by laff saying. "Hello y/u wanna come see my house?". You responded with "sure! I would love too! Just send me the cords." After a few minutes he sent you the cords as you went over there. You saw the house and the fields of wheat as you walked through the paths and saw the British man there himself. You hopped into a vc with him and the conversation started

"Hello y/u! How's it going?" Laff said leading you to his house. "I'm exhausted from today." You replied. "Well that makes sense, it was very intense." Laff replied letting you into his house. "WOW! It looks amazing!" You said. "Thanks, it took a while to build," he held out some bread "want a Laff loaf?" He said. "Uhm sure, I am hungry." You said grabbing one of the loafs, as you took a bite. You never had tasted bread any better! "This is amazing laff!" You said taking more and more bites. "Yeah I found the perfect bread recipe" Laff said happy that you liked his bread. "Can I have the recipe? Pleasssseeee?" You said. "Haha sorry but no mate, I don't need someone else selling my Laff loafs" he said. "That's understandable" you said finishing off the Laff loafs. "I might go talk to meme and tbh, hopefully they don't know about me helping." You said looking at laff. "If you do be careful mate." Laff said. "Alright I'll be careful DAD" you said jokingly before leaving and heading towards memes house.

As soon as you entered you heard meme and tbh chatting about who broke out socks. "Hey guys what's hanging?" You said walking into the house. Meme looked at you with a judging and thinking look. "Oh hey y/u what's been up with you." Tbh asked. "I have just been going around chatting and grinding for gear" you said flexing your diamond armour. "Did you come to the town after the wedding?" Meme asked. "Yeah I did just came to chat with nadwe" you said lying. "Well did you know socks broke out?" Tbh asked. "No he broke out?" You said again lying. You saw meme pull out a sword before saying "y/u I KNOW YOUR LYING, YOU WOULD'VE KNOWN HE BROKE OUT, NOW YOUR GONNA TAKE HIS PLACE" tbh pulled out a sword too before you ran out of there. You managed to lose them and get back to the base before deciding to end the stream and get off for the night for your first day on the socks smp.

(A/N 800 words! Impressive for me I really hope you enjoyed this and thanks for reading!

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