Luna was looking around throughout the crowd for any Russians along with Steve who's hand tightened in her hold, she gave him an assuring squeeze back as she figured he's on about just the same amount of high alert as she is.

"Should I tell he and Robin about the Russians knowing their names?" Steve whispered to her.

Luna nibbles her lip, "Uh, do you really think that's something they need to know right now?"

"I think they should know." He replied, she just nodded before he turned forward. "Uh, Dustin, Robin?"

"What?" Dustin asked.

"What do you want, dingus?" Robin questioned.

"I don't think either of you would want to go to your houses, atleast until we get this whole thing with the Russians figured out."

"Uh, why?" Dustin asked.

"What did you do, dipshit?" Robin hissed quietly.

"Well, I might have told them both of you guy's full names." Steve replied meekly.

"Steve, are you fucking kidding me?" Robin exclaimed quietly.

"What is wrong with you?" Dustin hissed angrily.

"Guys, I'm sorry." Steve said with a look of guilt covering his features.

Luna joins in, "In his defense he was drugged up, we both were."

"So?" Dustin and Robin reply simultaneously.

"So?" Steve questioned in both shock and confusion.

"So, you resist." Dustin tells him, "You tough it out. You tough it out like a man"

"Oh, yeah, it's easy for you to say." Steve retorted.

Luna frowns, "Cut him some fucking slack! He didn't mean to expose you guys, okay? You try being drugged by a truth serum."

"Guys." Robin said holding her arms out to stop them all from walking.

Luna is confused until she looks up ahead and sees what Robin is talking about. There are two guys in all black letting people out of the mall and Luna just knows in her gut... they're after them.

"Oh shit."

"Abort." Dustin blurts out. "Abort."

Luna immediately takes off with Steve's hand still in hers tightly, they rush through the people leaving the mall going the opposite way. She bumps into multiple people who don't appreciate being crashed into, but she and her friends just keep running through the mall like their lives depend on it.

Because it fucking does.

They make it to the escalator but just their luck that it's broken, "Fuck." She palms her temple, "What do we do now?"

"We go down." Robin replied as she pointed to the area between the two escalators.

Steve nods, "Come on, come on, let's go, let's go."

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