"There's no point in knowing how to drive when you have nothing to drive."Philip muttered.

"I can borrow my father's car."Russia said.

"Wha...The principal's car?You sure?"Philip doubted.

"Yup!Dad let's me drive his ride. It's fine if we go to the mall,as long as we don't drive outside the city."Russia explained.

"Okay,hold on."Philip said,opening his phone.

He went back to Indonesia and typed his response.

"Ey I got a ride"Philip sent.

"Eeeeyyyyyyyyy knew i could count on u,anyways we're going on Saturday"Indo added a thumbs-up emoji.

"So when do you need the car?"Russia asked.

"Saturday."Philip answered.


"...Uhhhhhhhh...Yeah,I don't know. It depends on Indo's mood,so that means I need a way to tell you."Philip said,thinking.

"What about exchanging numbers?"Russia suggested.

"Good idea!Why didn't we do that earlier?"Philip laughed.

The two shared their numbers and even sent each other a random text to see if they can contact each other. Philip stared at the number on his phone.

He felt excitement fill him up. His cheeks turned red a bit,and a silly smile was on his face. Russia was also staring at Philip's number with a small sense of joy.

"Well,I guess I'll take my leave now."Philip sighed,standing up and heading to the door.

"Don't you want to take care of Neptune?"Russia asked.

"Huh?Neptune?Who's Neptu...Neptune!"Philip suddenly exclaimed.

The Filipino ran over to the couch and set up the video game. He pressed the buttons and started to play his game.

Russia smiled at the Pinoy. He stood up and approached from behind. With a hug around his neck,Russia kissed Philip's head. And the moment he realized it,he gasped quietly.

The tutor took a step back. He may or may not have mistakened Philip as his *ahem*ex*ahem*. But the Filipino was too busy with the game.

Russia covered his mouth,cursing to himself for such a thing. He walked to his room and closed the door. He didn't notice how hard he pulled and slammed the poor door.

"Huh?...Is he mad?"Philip thought.

He scratched the spot Russia kissed him on. It felt like something was touching it. Philip just shrugged and returned to his game.

----------- -----------

It was Saturday. Philip was impatiently tapping his foot at the doorway,waiting for his friend. Indo staggered out his room,trying to put on his shoe.

"Took you long enough."Philip murmured,walking out the dorm.

"Yo,wait up!"Indo called out.

The two walked in the hallway. Indo,at some point,pushed Philip to the side and ran. Philip took it as an invitation to a race.

The Indonesian and Filipino hurried down the stairs,and Indo started skipping steps. Philip started jumping off and skipping multiple steps.

"Hey,wait up,you Spiderman-monkey!"Indo shouter,his voice echoing in the empty staircase.

Finally,the two reached the bottom. They were both panting. They opened a door and was met with nature. The gentle breeze and warm rays of the sun cooled down the two friends.

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