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"What if we follow your brother?" Soobin suggested, shrugging.

It wasn't the worst idea but Yeji was also unsure if it was going to work.

Maybe her brother wouldn't notice but surely someone would see the three of them following Hyunjin around.

"I guess that's a better idea than anything so far."

"It's also the only idea." Lia offered, making all of them laugh.

"For some reason I still think your girlfriend is the key to this." Soobin spoke once again. Teasing Yeji as he sometimes did.

"She's not my girlfriend." Yeji argued, ignoring the feeling such idea had caused inside her. "But I do think she could help us solve this."

"Can I ask a very obvious question?" Lia questioned, raising her eyebrows at Yeji. Her back against the wall while they sat in Yeji's bed. "What exactly are you planning on doing once you find those responsible for what happened to your brother?"

yeji hadn't thought that far ahead.

"No offense but you aren't exactly threatening looking and even if you were, beating people up might cause more harm than good." Soobin continued.

"I don't know. But let's focus on figuring out what's going on first."

"I think it's time to visit your hometown."

Yeji sighed. She hadn't been there in a while and the last time she did she was given a goodbye in the form of a kiss. Something that had her deep in thought for the entirety of the train ride back to Seoul. And something she had purposely avoided telling Lia about. Knowing it would only lead to more teasing.

Ryujin was just like that. Too flirty for her own good. Surely this was one of her many moves and many other girls had fallen victim to it. Yeji found it annoying, how effective it actually was.

"If our plan eventually requires seducing your troublemaker girl friend, I volunteer." Lia joked, wiggling her eyebrows right at Yeji who only pushed her lightly and chuckled. She knew the girl had too much fun teasing her about Ryujin and wondered just how bad it would get if she ever saw the way the older girl acted.

It was funny to think Yeji only truly met Ryujin at 17, about to turn 18, during her senior year of high school and now she was getting close to turning 19, or rather 20 in Korean age. The same age Ryujin had been when they truly became acquainted. In over a year, so much had happened and yet she still knew so little about the other girl.

It was almost too funny how no matter what, Ryujin would find her way to her mind. Yeji could be thinking of anything and somehow her brain would start thinking 'I bet Ryujin would like this' or 'Ryujin would do this' or 'I wonder what Ryujin would think'.

It was something Yeji didn't want to acknowledge but it was ever so present. Never wanting to admit it to herself or anyone else.

So on the ride back home, her earphones in, volume too loud for her safety and looking at the view from the moving train, she found herself thinking of the other girl. Wondering if they would finally solve the mystery that was Shin Ryujin.

Knowing deep down they wouldn't.

Having her friends at her house was new. Her mother letting everyone know how much of a loser she had been by expressing how happy she was that Yeji finally had friends to bring home.

She meant well but it was too embarrassing and Yeji wanted to hide.

However, seeing her friends and mother talk while smiling widely, caused her to feel all too warm and forget the embarrassment she felt.

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