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Ryujin was standing outside the music store.

Yeji had walked in minutes before to look through the vinyls, wanting to buy one for Lia who's birthday was coming up. And by the time she left the store, the girl practically ran into the other.

A cigarette in hand that she put out as soon as Yeji walked in front of her.

She didn't stop, causing Ryujin to follow her. Not one word spoken between the both of them.

Yeji wouldn't falter. She refused to be the one to make the first move. After everything, Ryujin would have to do something or else they were done.

Their friendship was over.

That's what she kept telling herself anyway.

Walking into a coffee shop, she was standing in line to order. A vinyl record under one of her arms while she started to feel nervous about the other's presence. Ryujin still standing behind her.

She ordered her drink, paid and moved to receive it with Ryujin doing the same.

Finally, she sat down. Away from the few people that were inside. Watching as Ryujin approached the table and quietly sat on the other side of it.

"I hope you'll hear me out." Ryujin started, her voice low enough that only the two of them would be able to hear it.

Yeji motioned for her to continue.

And so she did.

Ryujin didn't give her much detail but she seemed to be honest about the little she said. Explaining that she didn't mean to hurt Yeji and simply wanted to push her away that night near the river so the men wouldn't hurt her.

"Okay but that doesn't explain all the injuries. What's going on with you?"

"I can't tell you that."

Yeji sighed, getting ready to get up and leave until the other placed a hand over hers, the girls' eyes wordlessly begging her not to.

"Please." Ryujin whispered, visibly relaxing once Yeji sat back down. "I don't want to involve you in it."

The younger girl sighed, taking a sip of her coffee and giving it some thought.

Sure, maybe Ryujin was only being protective of her. But then wasn't their kissing and even sleeping together already involving Yeji in her life? Was that really fair?

To make Yeji care as a friend and to then cross all these boundaries only to claim she didn't want her to be involved in things related to her wellbeing?

"Look, I know you are curious and maybe even worried but I'm here and i'm fine. Just trust me, okay?" Ryujin offered, squeezing her hand slightly and offering her a smile. One that Yeji wanted to trust but didn't.

She had seen her injured far too many times to trust it but regardless, she nodded. Letting Ryujin think everything was alright.

"You have got to stop getting hurt, Shin Ryujin." Yeji scolded, pouting afterwards and earning a chuckle from Ryujin. "I hate to see you hurting." The last words coming out as a whisper, Yeji's hand reaching out to gentle touch one of Ryujin's cheeks just under her eye where a bruise was still present.

Ryujin placing one of her hands on top of hers and leaning into the touch. Her eyes never moving from Yeji.

"Would it be wrong to kiss you?" Ryujin whispered, looking around at their surroundings.

They had never openly kissed like that. In a coffee shop where anyone could see it. Not to mention they were in their hometown.

What if Hyunjin saw them?

Of course, had she been thinking logically, she would have had that line of reasoning and her answer would have been no. But in that moment, while staring back at Ryujin, all Yeji did was nod.

Her eyes following Ryujin's movements while the other moved to sit beside her and leaned closer. Their lips touching not a second later.

The kiss was soft and quick, Yeji assumed it had something to do with the location. But it still caused her to feel giddy about it, smiling while she continued to drink her coffee and the other did the same.

They didn't say much as they walked together. Ryujin having asked her if she wanted to spend time with her, and Yeji willingly agreeing to do so.

Once they were inside the girl's car, Ryujin started playing her playlists. Filled with songs that were just like her, undeniably cool. The older girl smiling whenever their eyes met, eventually placing one of her hands on Yeji's thigh. An action that caused her to freeze on the stop. Not knowing how to react to it.

Her eyes moving from the hand resting against her thigh and Ryujin who was focused on the road ahead.

The girl must have sensed how tense Yeji had gotten because she looked over, offering her a smile and gently squeezed her thigh which truly did the opposite of relaxing her.

Getting into the clubhouse might have been a challenge considering by the time they were in front of the door, they were already making out. Ryujin attempting to open it between kisses and it taking a frustrating amount of time but neither breaking apart.


"This is good music. Did you choose it by yourself?" Ryujin said, examining the vinyl. A cigarette between her lips while she wore nothing but a long t-shirt.

Yeji smiled, "I heard that artist in your playlist once and fell in love." she announced. Sitting on the couch while wearing Ryujin's oversized hoodie. Her clothes still discarded somewhere on the floor.

Ryujin smiled widely at her, blowing out the smoke before turning on a record player and placing the vinyl in it. The music filling the room as the other put out the cigarette before moving to where Yeji was.

"I love this song." Ryujin whispered, her face getting closer to Yeji's and lips almost touching hers. Yeji being the one to close the gap between them.

She could taste the cigarette the other had just smoked, mixed with the coffee from earlier and the strawberry chewing gum she had chewed on on the drive there. A mix of flavors that somehow had started to remind her of Ryujin.

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