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Yeji's phone started to ring while she was at work, something that rarely happened. Actually, it was rare for her to receive phone calls in general.

Let alone from the person whose name was displayed on the caller ID.

Luckily, her curiosity could easily be satisfied as work was slow and Chaeryeong being her boss gave her some perks. Allowing her to accept the call and speak to the other.

"Little Hwang." The voice called, earning a smile from Yeji.

"What is it, Ryujin?"

The other was silent for a moment. Sighing before speaking again. "Are you free this afternoon?"

It was a weekend and Yeji's shift was indeed ending soon, leaving her without much to do afterwards. "Sure. Why? Planning another impromptu visit?"

Ryujin chuckled, "Sort of. I need you."

The choice of words caught her off guard, causing Yeji to feel her cheeks heat up, gulping down whatever affect the words had on her.

"What?" she finally let out, voice bordering on shaking but luckily able to hold on to her dignity.

"I need a friend."

"Oh." Placing her forehead against the table where she sat, Yeji hated the way her mind worked in that moment. Cursing at herself and her own thoughts. "How about you meet me at my work? I'll finish in 30."

"That works for me."

"I'll text you the address."

Ryujin ended up showing up before Yeji was able to clock off, sitting on a table and sending her small smiles every time their eyes met. Some clients had walked in just as Yeji was about to leave and Chaeryeong seemed to be running late to take over for her. Of course the older girl wasn't bothered by it as Yeji apologized and explained she would have to wait. Gladly doing so and causing Yeji to continuously get distracted which in turn meant she was extra clumsy and kept making small but nonetheless noticeable mistakes.

Surely the other would tease her endlessly about it, considering the smirk she sported every time it happened.

"Wipe that smirk off your face, Shin." Yeji let out as the last client left the store.

Ryujin didn't. Holding the eye contact they were having until the entrance of her best friend broke it.

"Sorry, traffic was a bitch." Chaeryeong spoke between deep breaths, fixing her messy hair after catching her breath.

Ryujin only observing quietly, still sat on a table.

That's when Chaeryeong noticed the girl's presence. Yeji could see it, the moment when Chaeryeong went from thinking it was a client to recognizing her as the Shin Ryujin she had heard so much about.

Her friend's face said it all. It was more than evident that the girl knew who Ryujin was and it was too late to hide it from the one sitting who was now raising a questioning brow right at her.

"Well, I have to go now, Chaeryeong." Yeji let out, hurriedly grabbing her things and looking expectantly at Ryujin who seemed to pick up the hint. The girl quickly moving closer, eyeing Chaeryeong, and leaving with her after offering her friend a smile.

"So you speak about me." Ryujin eventually spoke, teasingly. As they stood on the subway. It was the weekend and at that time the subway tended to be crowded. Meaning Ryujin was practically glued to her back. Her mouth close to her ear as she stood behind Yeji. Both holding on in the middle of the crowd of passengers.


"It wasn't a question." The voice was low, making her voice seem deeper. The tone indicating Ryujin was smirking as she said it. Both those things making it hard to focus on anything but how good she sounded.

"I might have mentioned you a couple times." Yeji defended, although she was lying and they both knew it.

What one of them didn't know was that Yeji spoke of her all too often.

"So where are we going anyway?" Yeji finally questioned, attempting to change the subject.

"To see someone I haven't in many years."

And with that the subject ended, Ryujin not wanting to say anything more about it for now and Yeji not wanting to make her uncomfortable by pressing it.

Yeji continued to follow Ryujin, letting her lead the way to the unknown destination.

Eventually stopping as Ryujin found what she had been looking for.

The shorter girl looked at the paper she had been holding, then back to the gate and then the paper again. Confirming she had the right door number a few times before stepping up to the doorbell and hesitating.

Yeji had never seen her like that before.

Ryujin's hands were shaking, the girl biting her lower lip and looking small and scared. It was so unlike her that it made Yeji worry. About what was on that house, or rather who.

Out of nowhere, Ryujin chuckled. "It's funny. I've stood here so many times yet I never have the courage to push this button." The girl revealed, gently brushing her finger against the push button that she had never actually pressed.

"Are you afraid?" Yeji asked, curiosity getting the best of her.

The other nodding in responde. "I'm afraid because I know I failed. I'm not standing here as someone I'm proud of. I'm standing here as someone i'm ashamed of having become."

Yeji stepped forward, standing next to Ryujin and placing a hand on her shoulder. "You think you're the moon, but you forget the moon is the brightest thing in the night sky."

Ryujin's eyes were glued to the floor, her hand moving on top of hers that was placed on the girl's shoulder. "If I get to shine it's because of the sun." The girl mumbled, making use of Yeji's nonsense and causing her to feel shy about it.

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