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"Should I be worried about where you're taking me?" Yeji questioned. Mostly poking fun at the dangerous reputation both Ryujin and her brother tried to convince her of.

Ryujin chuckled, taking a turn and looking entirely too good doing so. One hand on the wheel and the other brushing back her loose hair.

"Oh, this is a good song." Ryujin suddenly stated, turning up the volume. Maybe a bit too loud. Yeji was sure anyone could hear the song from inside the houses they were driving past.

But that didn't matter when Ryujin was happily singing along. Mostly off key though Yeji had a suspicion that was on purpose. Considering the amused side glances being thrown at her by the other girl.

Yeji's fingers were tapping to the beat of the song playing, her gaze split between the lights contrasting against the night sky and the girl who's voice was competing with the song playing.

It didn't take them long to get to their destination. The city was far too small for anything other than a short drive. Although despite how small it was, Yeji had yet to explore most of it. Including their current location.

"We are here."

Yeji looked at their dark surroundings, furrowing her brows as she could not spot anything worthwhile.

"Please define here."

"You'll see."

"I'm starting to think I don't want to." Yeji countered, noticing how dark it was. There was not a hint of any light wherever they were and that was not a good sign as far as she's concerned.

Ryujin however, looked to be having the time of her life. Chuckling once she noticed her hesitation to leave the comfort and security of the car.

The shorter of the two got out of the car before she did, opening the truck and maybe grabbing something. Yeji wasn't too sure what she was doing but she could hear the noise.

Then, Ryujin showed up by her door, glancing inside with a smile. "Would me holding your hand help?"

"Not if we get murdered." Yeji argued, looking at Ryujin like she had just suggested something crazy. Although, maybe holding her hand would have actually helped in a way.

"We will not get murdered. I promise."

"I don't think you can make such promise."

"Of course I can." Ryujin stated with a shrug. "I'll fight off anyone who tries to hurt you."

"You're barely as tall as my shoulders." was the first thing her brain could say, despite the warm feeling Ryujin's words offered her.

"Wow." The older of them feigned offense, a hand over her chest and a shocked expression. "That one hurt, little Hwang."

"Good." Yeji rolled her eyes however, knowing this was a losing battle and she was only delaying the inevitable. Then, she finally opened the car door and stepped out. Immediately being met with the cold night weather and regretting doing so.

"Can we get inside now, Miss safety first? It's cold out here."

Yeji looked at at the only building in their surroundings. It did not inspire much confidence. The building not only looked old but also abandoned. For at least the last decade, she guessed.

"Ah" Ryujin exclaimed, looking at the building and back at yeji. "Have you never heard of don't judge a book by its cover?"


She doesn't know why but upon agreeing to entering the creepy building, Yeji immediately sought the comfort of the other girl. Her fingers holding the sleeve of Ryujin's oversized hoodie.

It shouldn't work. It was only short Ryujin and her hoodie she was holding. Yet it did. Her nerves calming slightly as they entered the dark building.

Ryujin opened a door, then another and lead them to a staircase. The only light being the flashlight of her phone while she guided her inside.

Maybe if Hyunjin knew he would scold her. For all the talks of how dangerous Ryujin is and how Yeji should stay away, she sure as hell was doing the opposite.

Finally Ryujin stopped by a door. It looked better than the previous ones. It was still old but not in such a bad state. Yeji observed as Ryujin unlocked it and got inside, dialing some numbers into what looked like a security alarm and closing the door behind them again.

Yeji didn't know what she was expecting from that place but it wasn't that.

As soon as Ryujin turned on the lights, Yeji couldn't hide her surprise.

It wasn't anything luxurious and it definitely still looked messy but it was much nicer than she had expected.

Inside there was what looked to be a tiny apartment. Only there was no room to sleep in nor anything indicating one would actually live in there.

"Don't tell your brother i brought you here. He's a little intense about rules and you."

Yeji hummed, knowing that to be true.

"So what is this?"

Ryujin shrugged, sighing before throwing herself onto the old couch placed on one side. "Club house?"

"Club house?"

"I don't know what to call it, really."

"You have a club house?"

"I guess so."

"Okay. You do know you're an adult, right?"

"Adults can have club houses."

"Sure they can, Ryujin." Yeji couldn't help but chuckle, sitting on a bean bag by the couch.

"I used to come here when I was a kid actually." Ryujin stated, her eyes focused on the ceiling. Laying on the couch still. "It's not really livable but i still come here sometimes."

"Yeah, I can tell." Yeji picked up a hoodie and raised an eyebrow at the other.

"Sorry. I wasn't really expecting guests." With her whiskers in full display there were no arguments against the adorable excuse Ryujin offered. Leaving Yeji to only shake her head amused by the others cheeky smile.

"So this is where you come when you aren't at your place or mine?"

Ryujin only hummed, already sat down and getting up a second later. "Mostly when I want to be completely alone."

"So it's a club house for one?"

Ryujin nodded, offering her a hand to take as she stood in front of her.

"Sounds..." Yeji got up, finding herself far too close to Ryujin and having a hard time figuring out why that was so intimidating. Taking a step away from the other, Yeji glanced around. Taking in the details of their surroundings. "A club for one sounds lonely."

"Or peaceful." Ryujin spoke, catching her off guard as she hadn't realized how close Ryujin had got. Standing right behind her.

"I think any club needs two members at least."

"Not mine."

Yeji turned around. Not sure why she was even insisting on this stupid club house argument when it was some meaningless term Ryujin had used for lack of a better one.

"Everyone needs someone. Even you."

Ryujin furrowed her nose, looking away from her. Yeji wasn't sure why but it looked like she was avoiding meeting her gaze. Maybe her persistence had made things weird, so she decided to back off.

"Show me around." Yeji offered, changing the subject to what seemed to be a visible relief for Ryujin.

"There's not that much to show but okay."

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