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Yeji had found herself in different circumstances. Different social circles than those she had encountered before.

Now that her friends were well off and so was her boyfriend, Yeji would constantly be met with situations that were a bit out of ordinary for her.

Such as when Wooyoung had invited her to travel for the weekend to a foreign country. Sure, she had to refuse as it was a busy time for her with the amount of schoolwork she had. Yet it was presented to her.

Yeji who had never traveled far from home before was dating someone who considered flying over to another country a quick getaway.

It was strange and new but she found herself enamored by the lifestyle.

By the expensive gifts and dinner dates to expensive diners. Or the times Wooyoung would pick her up and drive them to another town where they'd stay at a hotel just to see the sights for no particular reason.

Whenever Hyunjin would tease her about this, claiming she had changed and become a snob, she would of course deny it. Playfully punching him for even suggesting such thing could happen.

The truth was, the change was undeniable and at times Yeji herself noticed it.

So there Yeji was, wearing designer clothing while at her hometown for the first time in her life. All a gift from her boyfriend while she had gone shopping with him. Not that Yeji had asked but Wooyoung had insisted and she couldn't get him to give it up.

"How strange." The deep voice she knew too well spoke from behind her. "Smells expensive here. That's new." Ryujin sent her a teasing glance, walking past her and towards the kitchen in the company of her brother who couldn't contain his laughter.

"That's what you and I have been missing out on, Ryu. We should have moved to Seoul and got ourselves rich partners."

Ryujin pushed him lightly, but a smile showing she was amused. "I'll so be telling Heejin about that."

Quickly the both of them settled on the kitchen as they often had, Yeji unable to tell what they were talking about but occasionally hearing their laughter.

It was night time when Hyunjin finally announced he would be going to work, leaving the both of them by themselves. Her mother having been at work for a few hours already and Ryujin not moving to leave.

The three of them had been in the living room, watching some movie together. Although Yeji could barely describe the plot line of it. Having been mostly focused on the casual conversation she was having in the group chap with her friends and at times meeting eyes with Ryujin who had also looked mildly uninterested by the movie playing.

They were sitting far from each other but Yeji couldn't deny the tension in the air between them.

She wasn't sure what to attribute it to. During their time without seeing each other the two had exchanged messages, although they hadn't met again in person. And the tension was easy to hide or perhaps not present at all when they were typing and hidden behind the screens of their phones.

Now that they were there in person, gazes meeting and suddenly left by theirselves, the tension was more than obvious. Leaving Yeji unable to focus on anything but Ryujin's presence and every movement the other made.

Ryujin seemed to shift positions awkwardly, unlocking her phone to busy herself yet she didn't bid goodbyes as Yeji had expected her to.

And in a way Yeji was glad she hadn't.

It seemed that both could feel the tension between each other and neither wanted to let it push them apart.

Ryujin lingering for as long as possible and Yeji more than happy to allow her to do so.

"You should stay over."

That seemed to get the attention of the older girl, glancing over her phone to meet her stare. A raised eyebrow seemingly questioning why Yeji was suggesting such thing.

"It's raining. You should stay."

Yeji had noticed her brother had driven Ryujin there and now that it was pouring, it made no sense for the girl to commute home under such conditions. Perhaps that explained her hesitation to leave already.

"It's fine." Ryujin dismissed, words almost mumbled out. Her fingers tapping the screen of her phone again.

Yeji could only roll her eyes in annoyance. Finally deciding it was enough of the awkwardness. Getting up, she decided to move and sit by the other, their thighs nearly brushing against each other as she did so. Of course that earned her a side eye glance from the older girl.

"Stay." she asked, her voice verging on a cute one she often used to get things from her mother. Ryujin shook her head 'no' in response.

"Please stay." Now Yeji had upped the cuteness, still earning a head shake as an answer.

"For me."

Ryujin finally looked her way, their eyes meeting while sitting next to each other. The older girl's gaze wandering around her face as if she was looking for something. If she found it, Yeji got no indication of it. But then the other girl sighed, defeated by her actions and words. "Fine. You win, little Hwang." Yeji couldn't keep herself from smiling triumphantly.

It wasn't that awkward but the tension was still there. As they moved together to tidy up the living room, as they took turns using her bathroom, as they got ready for bed after Yeji let Ryujin use her clothes for the night. The peak of it being when they laid in bed.

Because both had argued the other should sleeping in the bed and both of them being the stubborn girls they were, meant a winner hadn't been determined. So there they were, laying beside each other as they shared Yeji's bed.

Yeji tried to turn and ignore the other girl's presence but she couldn't. Every song, every movement, every accidental touch was heightened by the unspoken tension between them. Until Ryujin stopped moving and Yeji was fairly staring she was simply laying while staring at the ceiling but she couldn't confirm her suspicion unless she turned and that would risk the awkwardness of Ryujin noticing it.

So there she was, thinking of their current position, of Ryujin's position. Her mind drifting somewhere it shouldn't. Wandering to memories she kept but rarely allowed herself to think about much less acknowledge.

The other times they slept together.

Both so intimate in different ways.

No, she shouldn't be allowing her mind to go there.

Yeji had a boyfriend and was in a healthy and secure relationship. One that didn't leave her worrying about the other showing up hurt one day, or every day. One without chaos and secrets.

And most importantly, she was content with life.

Yeji has a job, is studying what she loves, has a boyfriend that treats her very well, she has friends and all the nice things she could ask for.

And Ryujin, she was Hyunjin's best friend, who she somehow befriended and had fun with every few weeks or months. That's all. Truthfully, all they had was so casual she couldn't even label it and didn't want to. And more importantly, she didn't have to.

So why couldn't her mind shut up about replaying it over and over again?

Yeji wasn't sure when sleep got the best of her but the next thing she knew, the brightness inside her room woke her up. Blinking a few times before rubbing her eyes, stretching and sitting down on her bed. Looking over to the side, there was nobody beside her. The clothes Yeji had given to Ryujin for the night tidily folded by the end of the bed.

Yeji sighed, letting her body drop to the bed again, staring at the ceiling above her.

It wasn't surprising to see the other wasn't there by the time morning came. She never was.

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