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(author's note: the yeji on the header is what this yeji looks like as of now)

Ryujin hadn't been over in a week and that fact shouldn't even be on her mind, yet, here she was, thinking about it.

Why? She wasn't entirely sure.

It's not like her and Ryujin were actually friends. She was an acquaintance to the other. Her friend's sister. That's all Yeji was to the girl. And Ryujin, she was just her brother's friend.

So why was she missing her presence?

Yeji had spent seven years of her life only having a passing glance once in a while of the girl in question, or being told some random piece of information pertaining her. Nothing more, nothing less. She had spent that long unbothered by not knowing the girl.

Yet here she was, hoping she would randomly show up in their kitchen as she had been doing lately.

"Are you and Ryujin still friends?"

Her brother looks up from the manga he's been reading on the couch, looking curiously at her. "Yes. Why the sudden question?"

Yeji shrugged, "Just haven't been seeing her around."

He was still looking at her, she could tell, that's why all her focus was on the tv. She didn't want him to question why she was asking such question.

She wasn't even sure what the actual answer was.

"Isn't it peaceful without her?" Her brother joked, teasing the girl that wasn't even present to defend herself.

"I don't mind her being around." Yeji smiled, glancing at him. "She's actually cool. Unlike you."

Her brother feigned offense but she saw him fighting off a smile. "I'll have you know that I am pretty cool too. Ryujin wasn't the only popular one in high school."

"Popular by association. With her. So it doesn't really count."

Hyunjin scoffed, rolling his eyes. "All I hear is jealousy. When are you going to make friends, loser?"

"Whenever I go to college."

He only hummed in response, getting up to get something from the kitchen.

Surprisingly, she did end up seeing the girl that night. Sneaking into the house.

Yeji had woken up in the middle of the night. She's unsure of what woke her up, perhaps there was no reason to it.

She was thirsty and decided to get a glass of water, before trying to go back to sleep.

Honestly, she never expected to run into Ryujin who was trying to quietly walk up the stairs to her house. Both jumping at the other's presence.

Yeji nearly yelled as she suddenly saw someone in front of her, the only thing keeping her quiet being Ryujin's hand covering her mouth. Luckily the older girl had fast reflexes or else she would have certainly woken up her mother.

Her heart was pounding so hard that Yeji thought she might be on the verge of a heart attack. And their current position made her unsure if it was due to the scare or Ryujin's touch. Yeji's mind told her not to try and dissect such feeling, it was best to leave it in ignorance.

"Shh." The other motioned with her head for them to move together.

So they did. As quietly as possible they made their way into the kitchen.

"What the hell are you doing in my house at 2am?" Yeji was whisper yelling, while moving to fill up the glass of water.

Ryujin smirked, as if she hadn't been just caught sneaking into her house. This girl was the most confident person she had ever met. A fact Yeji found both attractive and annoying.

"I already asked your brother if I could crash here. Don't worry about it." She whispered back, shrugging and jumping slightly to sit on the kitchen counter.

Yeji chugged the glass of water while the other was speaking, filling it again afterwards. "Does that mean you and my brother are dating?" She questioned, trying to read the other's expression.

Sure, her and her mother had their suspicions but Yeji didn't actually think they were dating. Not until right at this moment. Surely, this wasn't a common thing. For a girl to sneak into a guy's bedroom in the middle of the night. Unless they were dating.

Not that Yeji knew anything about friendships or relationships. But it sounded strange to her.

Ryujin didn't answer her question, only raising a curious brow at her. She was eyeing her in a manner that made Yeji feel self conscious, then she looked at her up and down. Yeji suddenly felt her cheeks burning up with heat.

Only to remember she was wearing pajamas. No, not just regular pajamas. She was wearing the type of cartoon character pajamas kids wear.

Embarrassment didn't begin to describe what she was feeling in that moment. Her face still burning.

"Hydrate yourself, you look hot." Ryujin teased, winking before disappearing into the darkness of her house. Probably towards her brother's bedroom.

Yeji was left behind, staring off into nothing, a glass of water in her hand and an all too confident girl on her mind.


The next morning Yeji woke up early, trying to see if she would run into Ryujin again. To get an explanation, obviously. There's no other reason why she would do that.

She didn't run into her however. Maybe she had woken up even earlier and ran out before anyone else was up. Surely not wanting to be seen by their mother.

Yeji placed this evidence into the 'Hyunjin and Ryujin are dating' filing cabinet.

When her brother finally ran downstairs, she eyed him suspiciously. Trying to see if he gave anything away.

"Do I have something on my face?" He asked , trying to check if he did on the reflection of his phone.

She smiled, casually pouring her orange juice. "Have you seen Ryujin lately?"

Hyunjin rolled his eyes at her. "Again? We already talked about how she hasn't been around."

Yeji only hummed, sipping on her orange juice. "Could have sworn I saw her lately. Can't remember where."

His eyes widened at her teasing words, suddenly much more interested in the conversation. "Don't tell ma. She'll kill me for having her over."

"What will you pay me?"

"You're my sister. Shouldn't I get a free favor? Out of the kindness of your heart." Hyunjin argued.

Yeji only shook her head. "Sorry, keeping quiet about you having your girlfriend over in the middle of the night is too big of a favor for me not to cash in on it."

"You're the worst sister."

She shrugged, holding out her hand. "Buy my silence for 50."

"Your silence is expensive."

"It's the price you pay for being horny in the middle of the night." She made a disgusted face, not even wanting to imagine such thing. Her brother looked pretty grossed out at her speaking of such topic as well. Both of them instantly regretting such conversation.

"Can your silence start now, please? That was unnecessary."

Yeji could only nod, focusing on drinking her juice so her thoughts wouldn't start to form.

"Anyways, tell mom I'll be late. Ryujin and I are hanging out after work. Bye."

She only nodded, waving him goodbye as she watched him leave.

Sometimes, she was jealous of what her brother had with Ryujin. Friendship or relationship, she just wished that she could have someone that was that close to her.

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