"I don't need it, but thank you anyways." I waved my hand and turned around, walking towards the exit of the fair.

There was a lot of people, from everywhere, I'd say. Mood was pretty, though. Music, chatting, fresh air.

"Ragazzo! Vieni qui!" An old lady waved her hand at me, telling me to come closer. She looked cute so why not?

"Tuo nome?" She held my hand.

"Minho" I smiled.

"Ahhh Minho! Sei di qui?" (Are you from here?)

"No" I chuckled, "vengo dalla corea" (No, I come from Korea)

"Veramebte? Ma il tuo italiano è perfetto!" (Really? but your Italian is perfect!)

"Grazie nonna" I bowed, "devo andare ora, mi dispiace" (Thank you grandma//I need to go now, I'm sorry)

"Non ti preocupare!" (Don't worry) She smiled, but before letting my hand go, she looked everywhere for something. I looked at her confused.

Finally after a few seconds, she took out a coin; it didn't look like our coins, nor theirs.

"Questo è per te" (this is for you)

"Ah.. grazie! Io-" (Ah... thank you! I-)

Another costumer came, making her turn away from me and towards the new visitor. I didn't understand why she called me and gave it to me just like that, but I'd keep it.

Since I seemed to be a rock for her now, I turned around and continued my way to the car, admiring the coin. I noticed there was something written at the bottom.

"This sure is dirty" I talked to myself. I scratched some dirt off with my nail, revealing the full word.


Instantly, my head and mind went crazy.

I turned around to the lady, shocked, but she didn't seem to really know anything either.

Felix and Chan kept talking about a Denario, as well as Hea's dad, confirming another son of his. The word triggered my mind; I started thinking and remembering some conversations from when I was with Hyunjin and Hea.

I remember Hea saying they had to-

"The airport" I talked to myself, now realizing what they went to the airport for. Hea had mentioned Italy before, and of course, it made sense now.

"Italy is big. I couldn't possibly recall if they mentioned any specific place, or the conversations in general, but I do remember they talked about coming here.

But they could be anywhere-

That's when my eyes spot a familiar face, making me stop immediately.


I had to go closer and take a better look. She's with Hyunjin and apparently Changbin.

For a second, my heart told me to run towards them, naturally, but I didn't, of course.

Why are they in Verona too? Is this coincidence or not? I don't know what I can say, but I need to say something; they have to believe me, I need to tell them everything I know.

I started walking towards them, not really afraid of the outcome; I just needed to talk to them. Suddenly, Hea turns her face towards my direction, as Hyunjin seemed to be checking something out.

It is Hea, for sure, and she recognized me too. Before giving any other step further, I turned around just to make sure neither Felix nor Chan were around.

I could still kind of see them from afar, so for now it was safe to talk to them.

I turned my head back to Hea, only to see her and Hyunjin... sharing a moment. Immediately, my feet stopped, and it took a second to realize I was doing the wrong thing.

Not giving it a lot of thoughts, I just turned around and went back to my brothers. Regardless of what I saw, they're still my friends; the least thing I could do is protect them at all costs, so I went back to keep Felix and Chan occupied enough so that Hyunjin and Hea would leave.

She saw me, so she should know I'm not alone here. If she doesn't come for me right away, it means she left.

And so, the rest of the night I spaced out, for everything I saw. I'm in no place, but, why do I feel so irritated?
5 months before / The old house incident

"Let me go with them!!" Minho yelled, being held by other men. They blocked the door where Hea and the rest went through.

"Look at you! You never begged like this when you lived with us" Felix laughed out loud, calmly cleaning his wound.

Minho suddenly shruggs violently from Felix's men, running his lungs out to the front door.

"You think they'd let you go with them if you run towards them?" Chan chuckled, "you're delusional. Go bring him back" he commanded.

"Leave him" Felix talked, stopping the other men from going outside. "They won't shoot him on their way out, but they could shoot you guys and we can't affor that. Just let him be, he has nowhere else to go now."

As the Jangs discussed and searched the house, as well as took care of Felix, Minho was still outside, actually registering a number on his tracking app.

Within seconds, just right after Changbin closed the door behind him, Minho, quickly thinking what to do, remembered a time when he had found the tracking microchip of Hea's car.

He was fixing some parts and accidentally took it out. He made sure no one else noticed, and took a close look at it, before putting it back where it was, just out of curiosity.

Minho had great photographic memory, and so when he remembered the chip, he ran outside; not to stop them, but to quickly take out his phone and register the 8-digit code on his tracking app.

Of course, he wouldn't leave the app there with his phone being possibly exposed to his brothers, so he quickly linked the new info to the tracking app on his spare-emergency laptop back at his old apartment.

If it worked, all info would be there.

He quickly logged out and deleted the app before going back inside "defeated", but he had already thought his entire plan.

It could be all for nothing, though, as Hea could easily get rid of the chip or her car, but it was worth the try.

Minho didn't know if it'd work, and he most likely wasn't going to be able to go check as soon as possible, but it was probably his only chance to track Hea and try proving himself innocent.

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