Chapter five

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First pov

"My mom she doesn't like me she ended up kicking me out"

I said that's all I wanted to tell him what had happened to me wasn't that bad compared to some kids and I was probably over exaggerating it and he didn't need to know.

"Oh wow I'm so sorry would you like to live with me?"

I nodded slowly it was better than the street, wasn't it?

"Ok well how about we take you upstairs I'll carry you your still weak and we don't need any accidents".

I tried to say no but didn't get a chance because I was picked up bridal style like a rag doll and carried. The house was huge it must fit over 50 people but we're they? He looked at me curiously and as if read my mind answered.

"They're on a run, the whole pack is"

What was this word pack in humans what did he mean by it! I tried to stifle a yawn not wanting to burden him. But he noticed.

"Hey, it's ok your body is still not completely healed and that takes a lot of energy I wouldn't expect you not to be".

He said as he continued to walk around the house he finally got to the end of a corridor to a big door. He opened it with his hip into a spacious room the floor and bed were covered in furs. The bed was huge with blankets and pillows I just wanted to curl up and sleep but id be probably be sleeping on the floor......

He gently placed me on a chair and began doing something I hadn't seen before stacking and placing the pillows and blankets in a small circle and stacking them up making sure the inside had a layer of them as well.

He then gently picked me up and placed me onto the bed, letting me inspect the nest like creation. I quickly climbed in loving the warmth and comfort it brought me. I snuggled into it and vastly fell asleep. The last thing I heard being

"I'm glad you like it my little one" accompanied with a kiss on the forehead.

Feel free to comment and critique or questions or simple comments of what you like with the storey and what you don't like. If I get enough questions I'll make sure to make a QnA chapter.

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