Chapter one

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First pov


She screamed into my ears. I backed against the wall. "Slap" the sound echoed through the quiet house, the pain ringing from my cheek. The yelling had started a little ago and continued since then. All of this was started when I had told her something I now regretted.

I was gay. It was stupid of me to tell her she had never liked me. That was an understatement she hated me. I had dealt with her abuse for years and the scars and bruises proved it. I was brought back to reality when I was grabbed by the front of my shirt and began to be dragged.

I fell but that didn't stop her. She continued to drag my body out towards the door before throwing me out onto the doorstep outside.

"Go I don't want to ever see you again I hope you die then you won't be disappointed I dealt with it when you wanted to wear feminine things around the house but this is the final string." She slammed the door leaving me alone on the doorstep.

I eventually got up and began to walk into town the clouds getting darker as I realised I was homeless..... and with not a single dollar to my name, I was screwed. I had strolled into town and sat outside a shop when it began to tank it down. The icy rain soaking through my clothes and into my bones. It had been weeks and the on-off rain had taken its effect.

I hadn't eaten in weeks and it had gotten worse and worse. Now here I was stumbling back to the wall of the shop. the world spinning, I was dying. That I had already realised but it didn't scare me I was ready. At least mother would be happy. I ignored the murmur of people as the world grew colder and the black dots grew bigger.

My knees gave out my last thought being why didn't I touch the ground and what was this warmth.

Feel free to comment and critique or questions or simple comments of what you like with the storey and what you don't like. If I get enough questions I'll make sure to make a QnA chapter.

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