Chapter Twenty Three: Jookie

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The next morning Namjoon left for work before Leila woke up. She was told that she'd come in later on in the day and just sit around and wait. If there happened to be anyone taking her picture, it would seem like she was coming into work. They'd even gone as far as giving her a work badge to wear outside her clothes. It was comical to her the lengths they'd go to protect him. It was going to blow up at some point and she hoped she'd be back home by then.

She was getting Mia ready when Liz gave her a video call to touch base on inventory and updates on the shop repairs.

"Sarah said the repairs should be wrapped up in two weeks and you guys can close then." That was the best news Liz could've given Leila at this time. When she got home she would be back on her way towards opening the shop. She was thankful for the timely repairs and especially Liz for being so on top of everything.

"I can't thank you enough for taking care of things while I'm here."

"Thats what sisters are for." Liz smiled sweetly. "How are things anyway? I feel like I haven't really spoken to you since you got there."

That's because I don't know how to tell you the mess I keep making for myself.

"Fine." Leila avoided looking at the phone by putting Mias socks on. The line went quiet and when Leila looked up Liz had squint her eyes.

"What happened?" She asked knowing her sister too well. Leila pulled a face that let Liz know she'd fucked up. "What?"

"It's not that big of a deal, we just kissed." Leila mumbled the last part hoping Liz didn't catch it.

Liz mouth fell open. "I told you, didn't I!?"

"No, you said don't sleep with him and I didnt."

"What is it about this guy that makes you lose your fucking mind Leila?"

"It was just a kiss!"

No way in hell she was telling her it was more than that.

"A kiss my ass! I know you!" She pointed at Leila with a look of disappointment. "So help me Leila, if you call me at the end of the week and tell me you're not coming home to live out the rest of your days in South Korea. I will come get you my damn self."

Live in South Korea? "Why are you so dramatic!?"

"Dramatic? Did you forget that the last time you were around this guy you ended up pregnant, you lost your job, and you damn near lost yourself in the aftermath."

"And I came out of the other end better because of it."

"No thanks to the guy you cried over for nine months."

"I didn't cry over him, Lissette. I was pregnant and emotional for those nine months."

"Right, of course." Liz agreed sarcastically. "How did you get wrapped up in that man again?" She rubbed her temples.

"You said and I quote 'if Kim Namjoon wanted to crack my back like a glow stick I'm not sure I could refuse' well same but with a kiss."

"As a joke Leila. What made you kiss him after claiming to hate him so much, anyway?"

"I never said I hated him."

"Yes you did. I remember specifically hour six of your labor, you said 'I fucking hate you Joon, you stupid motherfucker.'"

"Well duh I was in labor! We just had too much to drink and one thing led to another."

"What one thing led to the other? Start from the beginning."

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