Chapter Seventeen: Baby Proofing

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Namjoon opened the door to his condo and allowed Leila and Mia to enter first. He then pulled their suitcases and bags in with him.

Leila did a three-sixty taking in the magnitude of the space. This was an apartment? It was three times bigger than the first floor of her house.

The first thing she noticed, aside from the size and height of the ceilings, was the artwork. On almost every wall was a large expensive painting that she would never be able to appreciate. It didn't matter what direction they turned the damn things in, she would never see anything other than blotches and lines. She never really understood it. It wasn't just paintings though, sculptures big and small adorned too many places at a toddler's reach. There was even one by the front door that looked like a six foot metal rock formation. It somewhat resembled wish towers but all Leila could see was sharp edges and a hospital trip for her daughter. Namjoon was an art buff without a doubt, he also had good intentions, but he hadn't thought this through. Even the coffee table was a hazard. There wasn't an edge bumper guard in sight and this was only the living area.

"Uh, Joon." Leila turned around slowly. "We might need to baby proof. A lot."

"What do you mean?"

As if the devil was working overtime that day, something on the coffee table caught Mias eye. She darted around the couch, catching her foot on the leg of it.

Namjoon watched her fall like it was in slow motion, only missing the coffee table by mere centimeters. His hands flew to his head in horror, Leila quickly turned when she heard the loud thud of Mia hitting the accent rug. Namjoon launched forward to grab Mia who was face down on the ground but Leila's arm flew out, landing across his chest.

"Wait." Mia slowly sat up to look at her parents. "If you overreact she's going full Mariah." Leila dropped her arm and started clapping. "You're okay! Yay!"

Yay?! Overreact?! There's only one way to react to your kid almost breaking her neck!

Mia got up using the coffee table for support and proceeded to grab the ceramic vase on top of it like nothing happened.

"No, no." Leila came around the couch and pulled the vase out of her chubby hands much to her dismay. "This." She walked up to Namjoon and handed him the vase. "Is what I mean by baby proofing. Everything in here screams danger."

Once his heart and nerves had settled he looked around the room. All of sudden everything that he had chosen for his home because it fit his style, became an object of medieval torture. Everywhere he turned there was something Mia could fall on, slip on, get cut on, or crack her head open with. He never noticed just how sharp the edges of that coffee table were. He also hadn't noticed how many breakable objects he had for someone with a nickname like God Of Destruction. Even his favorite thing in the entire apartment now posed a threat to Mia.

His bookshelf.

Can she climb it?
Would it fall over and crush her?
The balcony!
Can she open doors?!

He was now starting to regret asking Leila to stay at his place. "So what do we need? Bubble wrap and a helmet or something?" Whatever it was, they'd get it. If the walls needed to be padded, it'd be ready come morning. Anything to keep Mia out of stitches and a cast.

Leila stared at him with her mouth slacked open. "Yes." She answered deadpannned.


She didn't think he could actually be serious. Although, the helmet didn't sound half bad. "No! There's a baby proofing kit that comes with everything we need."

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