Chapter Eighteen: Dirty Little Secret

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Mia was sleeping on Leila's lap, with her head nuzzled into her mother's chest. Leila's leg bounced anxiously as she waited to be called.

"Here's coffee." A small white paper cup was handed to her by the one person she could depend on the most since arriving in Korea.


The man was a God sent.

Once they realized Mia had developed a fever, she had to be rushed to the E.R. and Leila was once again upset with Namjoon.

"She needs to go to the emergency room." Namjoon rose from the floor to pull his phone out and start going through his contacts. "I'm calling for a car."

While he did that Leila hurried into her room and quickly packed Mia's diaper bag. She couldn't believe this was happening on her second night here. It was like her trip had been filled with bad omens that were warning her she needed to return to New York as soon as possible.

She came back into the living room and saw Namjoon slip his phone back into his front pocket. "Do-Yun will be here in five minutes."

"Okay." Leila put her bag down beside Mia and picked her up. She indeed had a fever, which surprised Leila because when she put her down an hour prior she didn't. Leila struggled to put the blanket over Mia so Namjoon stepped in to help.

Leila kept wondering how this could be happening right now. What were the odds that they'd had two days of bad luck? The thought that Mia got sick from their bad luck the day before hit Leila.

"Do you think she got sick because I had her out in the rain?" She looked up at Namjoon with worried eyes. He gave her a reassuring smile.

"I don't think so, she didn't actually get wet. If anyone would've been sick it would've been you. I think it's more likely she caught something on the plane."

Wouldn't that technically be her fault as well?

"It's probably just a virus. She'll be okay." He added. Namjoon had no idea if he was right but he hoped it was nothing. The moment he realized she had a fever, he was fearful. He rubbed small circles on Mia's back hoping to soothe her incase she felt any discomfort but she was soundly sleeping on Leila.

There was a knock on the door and Namjoon stepped away from them to answer it. "That's Do-Yun"

Sure enough when he opened the door it was Do-Yun who seem to have thrown his uniform on in a hurry. Namjoon thanked him for coming in such short notice and filled him in on what was happening. He then walked back to Leila. "Okay, call me when you get there."

Leila's eyebrows knitted together and she leaned back. "What do you mean? You're not coming?"

"Lei," he frowned. "I can't, you know that. If I'm seen there-"

"I don't speak Korean. How am I supposed to tell them what's wrong? How am I going to understand what they tell me?"

"Do-Yun will stay with you there. He's going translate for you."

"Do-Yuns not her f-" Leila cut herself off before she wasted time arguing with someone who clearly didnt care. She shook her head and grabbed her diaper bag.

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