Chapter Nineteen: Seaweed Soup

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"Why are you in my studio?" Yoongi took cautious steps into the room and dropped a bag on his desk.

Leila stood there like a deer in headlights, with Mia on her hip. "I don't know." She answered truthfully. "Joon had me come down but, I don't know why they put me here."

Yoongi nodded. "I think they were just trying to hide you and took you into the first room with the an unlocked door."

"Sorry, if you just point me in the direction of his room, we'll be on our way."

"RM is in a last minute meeting for another hour or so." He turned away to pull his black hoodie over his head revealing a white t-shirt.

Oh, how she loved white t-shirts.

She then watched intently as he used his hands to brush back the mess he made out of his hair in the process of taking off his hoodie.

Jesus Christ.

Was she drooling? She felt like she was drooling. Mia's hand smacked Leila in the middle of her chest and she thanked God for it because it brought her back to reality.

"Oh, uh, is there somewhere we can wait?"

Get out.

"Not really, but you can stay here. I don't mind." He closed the distance between them to graze Mia's cheeks with his thumb. "I heard you were sick. All better now?" He gave Mia a gummy smile that caused Leila's knees to go weak.


"We don't want to get in your way." She argued.

"Have you girls eaten?" He asked, ignoring her statement.

Say yes and get the fuck out!

"Yes, Mia ate before we left. I'm fine though, thank you."

"Do you want to eat?" He asked Mia in a loving tone, ignoring Leila yet again.

"Eat eat!" Mia repeated bouncing on Leila's hip.

You little greedy, traitor!

"I have food we can share. It's a lot." He backed away towards his desk and pulled three containers out of his bag.

And so that's how she found herself sitting on a couch with Yoongi, being forced to eat again. She couldn't lie though, it was delicious. It was better than any meal she'd had since arriving in Korea. Maybe it was just the fact that she was too nervous about her inevitable conversation with Joon to actually eat anything before leaving the apartment.

"Where's this from? It's better than where Joon usually orders." She fed Mia who was waiting with her mouth open. As soon as the food touched her mouth she was doing a happy dance.

Yoongi looked down at his own plate and smirked. "I made it."

"You made it?!" She asked incredulously, to which he only nodded. "I have to learn something while I'm here. There's so much in Joon's fridge but I never know where to start. It's completely different than cooking at home. Here it seems like I'm only good at eggs and Ramen."

Yoongi looked up from his plate. "This is your first home-cooked meal since arriving?"

"Korea's fast food and America's fast food is completely different, so in a way, no but yes?" She laughed and Yoongi couldn't help but want to be engulfed by that sound.

She was already pretty but it was otherworldly when she laughed. He hadn't noticed just how pretty she was when they'd briefly met her in New York. Then again, life and love were beating his ass so bad back then that his every thought was wrapped around a heartbreak.

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