Chapter Sixteen: With Your Google Maps?

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"I'm sorry, what?" Leila stood before him dumbfounded at his proposition.

It made Leila think Namjoon must've been dropped on his head as a baby quite often, because no one in their right mind would suggest what he just did.

"Think about it, Mia will have more space to run around. Shes going to go crazy cooped up in that hotel room. Plus, my computer is set up with my bank details, if you need anything, it's literally a click away."

He sounded insane. He was trusting her with his bank details? For his daughter, he told himself. That's why he was doing it. He had turned the thought over in his head a couple of times and it seemed like the reasonable thing to do. It would also make seeing Mia so much easier. Eventually, someone would see him coming in and out of that hotel, and it would be a matter of minutes before it hit the tabloids. It had taken him a hell of a lot of ass kissing to convince his PR team that bringing Mia over wouldn't complicate things for them.

"I'm rarely there, so you guys will have the apartment to yourselves. Most of the time I'm taking power naps on this couch. I practically live here." He got up to fetch Leila dry clothes from a bin he kept under his desk. That alone was proof of how much time he spent in that building.

"Thanks but I prefer to stay at the hotel and anyway, I'm getting a rental tomorrow so I can move around the city if need be."

"You're going to get around with your Google maps?" Namjoon teased, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Funny." Leila roughly pulled the shirt he had gotten her from his outstretched hand. "I'll just get a car with built in GPS."

"Why would you do that?" He found one of his old sweatpants at the bottom of the bin and figured they might've been small enough for her. "When I hired you a driver?" With a bit of difficulty he finally pulled them out.

"Because I'm not calling you every time I need to go somewhere."

"Then don't. I'll give you Do-Yun's number and you can call him." Namjoon pushed the bin back under his desk and handed her the sweatpants.

"Look, I appreciate everything you're offering me but no."

Namjoon winced. "Well," he dragged on the word in away that warned Leila that whatever he was going to say next, wasn't going to be something she wanted to hear. "I may have already checked you out of the hotel and had your bags picked up."

"What?!" If there was one thing Leila hated more than anything on this planet, it was people making choices for her.

The room was getting too hot, prompting her to pull her wet hair up into a bun in hopes it would help cool her down. She started to pace the floor to calm herself before she exploded on him.

"I knew you were going to make a big deal out of it so I
chose to ask for forgiveness rather than permission." Her crouched in front of Mia who was none the wiser to what was happening between her parents.

"Well, check me back in!"

"No, I'm sorry."

"I'm not staying at your place." She crossed her arms and dug her metaphorical heels to stand her ground.

"Yes." He looked back over his shoulder to Leila. "You are. It's what's best." His tone was gruff and commanding, having had enough of the back and forth. He'd made a decision and he expected it to be respected because he knew it was going to be beneficial to both of them in the long run.

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