"Are you ok?" He said as he looked at the expression of the vampire. He didn't look alright.

"Hm. When did you-"

"Since you entered the room"


"Yeah... How come you didn't figure it out..... It was getting difficult to act that I was sleeping when you were staring at me like that"


"What? You aren't going to deny?" He asked with a raised eyebrow and amusement on his face.

"There's no point in lying"

Zhan smiled and moved to sit in front of Yibo.

"It wasn't me and I'm not going to prove it. If you still doubt me, throw me out of the Palace. It's not like I can fight your royal army to stay here"

"Where will you go?" There was this coldness in his statement but that didn't mean Xiao Zhan would give in.

"What do you mean? Back hom-"

"To those who deem you a traitor. Who've labelled you as a vampire's partner. Who call you a man on the run" Yibo said staring at him with an accusing glare.

"Well well. Looks like I'm not the only one who figured it out. Glad you already know because my braincells are already going extinct"

"We overlooked some points. We underestimated them" He wasn't angry at Xiao Zhan. If what they think is the truth, the human had placed a bet with a high price without even knowing it.

"It's my fault. They used me. I should've picked it up when they didn't even question my authority and allowed you to leave with me. I thought it was because of my Uncle"

"Your God father?"

"Mmhmm. Stupid move I guess. Now I am a traitor in the eyes of the humans. What will they do to me-" He wasn't scared as Yibo cut his speech short. He seemed to be genuinely curious as to what would happen to him if he was going to be the bait and the target of the humans.



"Nobody's allowed to hurt you." It's not like the words could reassure him but the way the vampire was so confident in his words. The determination in his voice felt the most promising thing in the world.

"What about you?" It was a mischievous question with no other intention.

"Not an exception"

"Then if someday you decide to hurt me, what should I do?" He let out a small string of laughter thinking about what he just said.


"Are you seriously thinking on it? I was just kiddin-" The expression on Yibo's face said something else.

"Kill me"

"What! What are you even-" Xiao Zhan moved back a little. He was startled. His little joke could be twisted like this. He didn't even think about it.

"I'm telling you to kill me if i decide to hurt you one day"


"I'm tired. Can I sleep here tonight? I don't wanna go to brother's room. This huge Palace is scaring me. It feels like a hunted house without brother and father"

The young Prince was stunned would be the least to say, he blinked a few times as he processed what just happened. Did the human went as far as to pull him in his arms and had the audacity to pat his head?

Bound By Blood (YiZhan) Where stories live. Discover now