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ᴛʜᴜʀsᴅᴀʏ, sᴇᴘᴛᴇᴍʙᴇʀ 18ᴛʜ, 3:49 ᴘᴍ⛅️

after a playful argument about one wanting to pay for the other, sephiroth ultimately paid, to your annoyance.

he now insisted on walking you home as;

"you won't ever be able to make it up to me if you don't get home safely."

this man, i tell ya.

the two of you walked mostly in silence, but sephiroth still kept a close watch on you, as the sidewalks were still congested.

- - -

"so, y/n."

"yeah?" you perked up from watching your shoes (it now makes sense why he had to watch you).

"did you want help with your trigonometry homework?"

he watched your eyes sparkle at the idea, and hummed, his mind entertaining the idea that maybe you too didn't want this to end.

"i would really, really appreciate that! i just would have to check in with my dad, since..well.."

he chuckled, "you'd be alone in your room with a guy? we can keep the door open."

"well i'd actually be home alone with a guy since he's at work, but yeah even that he'd probably be iffy about."

sephiroth felt his cheeks heat up a tint.

"oh, ms. l/n!" he talked in a dramatic tone, "i didn't expect you to be so dirty minded.."

he watched you choke and stumble on your words, "n-no! i am not!! maybe it's you who's the dirty minded one!"

he decided to take a risk today and get a little more flirty.

you were a dense one anyways.

he put his hand on the side of your face and played with some of your hair with his finger tips and the other on your lower back, slowly caressing it as you were both stopped in the middle of the sidewalk.

he got his face close to yours and whispered lowly into your ear, "but you'd like that, wouldn't you? you dirty girl..."

- - -


you felt your face burn as his warm breath was on your cheek as you both stood there.

his control over the situation was as if he had you on marionette strings.

you put your hands on his chest and stepped back a little but you were sure he knew that you were just embarrassed.

and you could tell he liked it, for some reason.

"you're a pervert.." you groaned.


you talked to your dad on the phone as you both walked to your apartment.

he regrettably gave permission as he made you swear not to make any grandchildren that day.

his words not yours.

this made sephiroth shoot you another flirty glare.

what was with him today?

maybe this was how he liked to joke around and now that he's more comfortable around he feels fine doing it.

you sighed as you both finally reached your apartment, and let him in after unlocking the door, "welcome to my humble abode."

he seemed to take in the small apartment and took a deep breath, "it smells like you."

"i'm hoping that's a good thing?"

"trust me, i enjoy the smell of lavender."

you smiled as that was your shampoo but also the plug in air freshener flavor in the kitchen.

"so, where did you want to do our work?"

"depends on if i'm allowed into the forbidden no man's land that is your bedroom?"

you sighed and nodded, as you let him follow you through the hallway to your room.

he stopped to stare at some old photos though, one particular baby photo caught his eye.

you groaned as he smirked at you, silently pointing back and forth to you and the picture.

"it's like your personality did a one-eighty.."



- - -

he watched your eyes glaze over the math problem again and again as you struggled with it.

he found it amusing, but, much like why he had been flirting with you, he couldn't find a reason for it.

"i still don't get it."

he hummed as he scooted over to you with your desk chair, granted it was barely 3 feet away since your room was so small, but he looked over what you had and smiled lightly, "here's what's wrong with this..."

sephiroth went on to explain how you switched two numbers around in a formula and as you realized your mistake, you giggled at the silly mistake, and he felt his cheeks warm.

that laugh..


is she an angel?


he snapped out of it, as his focus went back on the girl worriedly staring into his eyes, "you were just staring at me and i got nervous.."

"sorry..spaced out, i guess."

you stood up and stretched, cracking your back.

"i'm so happy it's finally done!!" he watched you turn to him as he stood behind you, "thank you for all your help..want some tea?"

he nodded, "sure."

he followed you to the kitchen and sat at the counter (that you patted on lightly as an invitation for him, he's not rude i promise) as he watched you pour water into the kettle and put the kettle on the stove, and prepare two mismatched mugs with bags of two waiting in them.

"so..what are your plans for the rest of the night?"

"if you're asking to sleep over, my dad isn't gonna let it slide."

he laughed, "no, no, just like what are you gonna be doing?"

"probably sleeping..or crying. depends on how i'm feeling," you shrugged, chuckling.

he looked a little concerned, "why would you be crying??"

you shook your head, smiling, "i'm kidding, i don't really- oh shit the tea," you cut yourself off as the kettle whistled.

you went to the stove to get the kettle after killing the heat, and proceeded to pour the hot water into the mugs.

As you did so, some water splashed back onto your hand, "son of a- ow ow ow..."

sephiroth rushed to you as you cradled your hand, "oh my- let me see.." he gently held your burned hand, inspecting it, and then turned on the sink, putting it on a cool, but not fully cold, setting.

he held your hand by the wrist kindly, massaging it with his thumb, as the burn was slightly cooled.

"do you have bandages?" he asked.

you nodded as you led him to the bathroom, and you sat on the closed toilet after you got him the bandage roll and scissors, him standing over you, wrapping the injury tightly.

once he finished, he told you when and how to change it.

"don't worry, it'll heal in a few days or so."

you sighed, "thank you, sephiroth, i'm sorry you had to take care of me like this.."

he chuckled warmly and ruffled your hair, still holding your hand.

"oh, y/n.." he laughed, as he lifted your hand and softly kissed the knuckles, "it was a pleasure~"

you sat there flushed as he chuckled again, "now, shall we have some tea?"

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