Chapter 33: Saving the Manoban family

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Lisa's POV

"Baby, you're early!" Somi looks surprised that she saw me in their house.

She was listening to some music when I entered the house.

Now playing: Why can't it be by Kaye Cal

You came along, unexpectedly
I was doing fine in my little world...

She went to kissed me but I refused.

Her smiles fades.

"Can we talk?" I asked her seriously.

"Baby, don't be like that, you know-

"Somi, it's about time. Let's end this. I don't want to hurt you anymore. I want her back, I want my Jennie back, my wife, my life." I cut off her words.

She seems like she's about to cry.

"B-But, I-

I walk towards her and holds her hand.

"You know I will always be grateful to you right? Remember, you were always there when I silently cried at night because of so much pain I felt when Jennie left me? You are always there with me."

She bowed down her head and started to cry.

Oh baby, please don't get me wrong
'Cause I'm not complaining
But you see, you got my mind spinning..

"H-How can I live without you?" She's crying and so I hug her.

"Ofcourse you can live well without me." I whispered.

She shook her head.

"I'll never be happy without you Lisa, you're my life." She whispered.

I cup her face.

"Yah, you will surely find someone better than me, someone who will surely love you more than the love you can give, I'm sorry if I'm not that someone anymore." I whispered.

"Why can't you be that someone? Will you just please be that someone?" She's crying so hard.

I hug her tight.

Why can't it be?
Why can't it be the two of us?

"Hush now."

"C-Can you promise me, can you promise me that you will love me in your next life?" She's sobbing.

"Otoke, I think I'm in trouble." I said while wiping her tears.

"What do you mean?" She asked between sobs.

"I already promise someone to love in my next life, you know her, it's Irene." I chuckled and so she is.

"Yah! Even in your next life you can't still love me?" She slaps my shoulder.

"Okay, I'll talk to Irene okay? I'll make another deal with her to fulfill my promise on my next next life." I kissed her forehead.

She wrapped her arms around my waist.

Why can't we be lovers?
Only friends...

"Thank you for everything Baby okay? You know, you know how much grateful I am. I conquered everything because you were by my side." I said while closing my eyes.

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