Chapter 32: Saving Bambam

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Taehyung's POV

I was destroying everything in my room.

I threw everything that my hand touches.

And now, I'm punching the mirror.

What kind of life I have?

Does this world hate me so much?

Why do I need to find this kind of truth?

And to think that Lisa already knew?

What the fuck!

Blood keeps flowing in my hands.

But the pain inside my heart is nothing compared to it.

"Tito, are you alright?" I saw Bambam entering the room.

I was sitting leaning on my bed.

I tried to wipe my tears.

"Oh my God! Tito you're bleeding!" He was surprised.

"I'll call someone-

But I was able to grab his hand.

"B-Bam, wanna go somewhere with me?" I asked him.

"To where Tito?" He asked still looking at my hand with blood.

"Let's have some fun, can you go with me?" I asked.

He smiled.

"Only if you let me aid you first with your wound Tito." He answered.

I smiled back.


Since I'm the antagonist, let me be.

I'm tired being good anyway.

Jennie's POV

I'm waiting for Lisa to come to the office, but it seems like she's busy.

"Seems like you're waiting for someone." Rosé said.

"And seems like you're also looking for that someone." I rolled my eyes.

I see her keeps coming in to Lisa's office.

"Why? Are you jealous to me? Oh well, I can still remember how you think of me as her mistress." Then she laughs.

I shook my head.

"Because you seems like you're in love with her." I answered.

"Actually yes, if Jisoo didn't come in to my life? Maybe I'm one of Lisa's mistress." I rolled my eyes to her.

But the chipmunk keeps on laughing.

"But I know, I will just hurt myself. She loves you more than anyone. How are you guys anyways?" She asked.

"We planned on getting back together." Her eyes widen.

"For real?!" She was surprised.

I nodded.

"But you're married." She asked.

"I know, and I will find a way to break that. You know I was never happy to him, you know the reason right?" I asked.

She nodded.

"Everyone knows, even Lisa. Irene told her, but she just can't accept the fact. But you know what? I'm happy for the both of you. Finally, you're coming back to each other's arms." She smiled.

I can feel the sincerity.

"I just hope everything will fall to its place easily, how about Somi? Did you talk to her?" She asked.

I was taken a back.

"You know about her?" I asked.

She nodded.

"Ofcourse, we even have a double date before. She seems nice thou, I can see how she takes good care of Lisa. But as I know about your relationship with Somi, I slap Lisa's ass, because I know she's just using Somi to get revenge." She answered.

I sighed.

"We already talked earlier, I cleared everything to her. It's now up to Lisa, I'm hoping she choose me, but her happiness is my happiness." I said.


"I can't let her go too Somi, you know that. You know how much I love her, how much my world got destroyed when I chose to sacrifice for her. You told me that, if you were in my position you will never let her go, but if that's the case, then you will let Lisa die than marrying her cousin? I just did the decision that will prolong her life. And you know that." I said.

She's still crying.

"The decision is not ours Somi, it's still on Lisa. If she chooses me, I'll be the happiest, and I will never let go of her hand again. But if she chooses you, then I'll still be happy, because if happy is you, I'm happy for her." I added.

End of Flashback

I got back to my senses when my phone suddenly rings.

It's Taehyung.

I actually wanted to talk to him.

"Go ahead, you can answer it." Rosé said.

And so I answered the call.

"Hello there wifey." He sounds drunk.

"Are you drunk? Anyways, where are you? I need to talk to you." I said in my firm voice.

"Me? I'm outside. Having fun with Bambam." He chuckled.

"What? It's already late. He needs to sleep." I said.

"Really? Don't worry, he will sleeps later on, for a very long time. He will never wake up again." He said in his deep voice.

He sounded like a little bit scary.

I got scared.

"W-What do you mean?" I sighed.

"Mommy! Mommy help me! Help me!" I stand-up as I heard Bambam's voice.

"B-Bam?! What the heck are you doing to my son Taehyung!" I hold my chest.

Rosé seems to panic too.

Her expression is asking me what the heck is happening.

"Oh poor boy, she's asking for your help, but can you come though? You're busy with her-

"Where the fucking hell are you?! Don't you dare touch my son!" I shouted.

"Okay, come here alone. I'll send you the address. I repeat, you come here alone, all by yourself. No Lisa, no policemen, no one. Or else, Bambam will sleep forever." He laughed.

And now it seems like I'm listening to Satan.

Just like those days, when he made a deal with me of marrying him.

My body was shaking after the call.

Rosé handed me a glass of water.

"What is it? What happened?" She asked.

"Taehyung, he kidnapped my son." And so my tears fell off.

"What?! Is he insane?! The fuck is that man! I'm going to call for help!" She was about to leave but I manage to hold her hand.

"N-No, I need to go there alone. I need to do this alone, it's my own battle, and I need to fight alone. Please Rosé, don't tell this to anyone." I beg her.

"But you are going to be in danger! We don't know what she can do to you!" Rosé in her worried voice.

I'm so scared too.

I was about to answer when Taehyung sent the address.

"I need to go now, please don't tell this to anyone." I said then compose a lot of courage.

"Jennie!" She tried to stop me.

But no, I need to save my son.

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