She has a shit personality, and an awful attitude. Why would I be willing to subject myself to dealing with her on my own accord, and not forced?

She has me so beyond fucked to the point that I nearly went soft inside a girl because the realization that I'm wasting my time sleeping with someone who is not Arlo made vomit form in the pit of my stomach.

Soft! I almost went soft! I'm becoming pathetic, so pathetic that the only way I was able to stay hard was to think about Arlo's warm pussy clenching tightly around my dick as I took her from behind.

If I could go back in time, I would have never fucked her if I knew she was going to be affecting me this much.

Okay, that's a lie. I would never go back in time because knowing if I did, what I would be missing out on is something I would never want to take back.

Fuck Arlo

Fuck Arlo

Fuck Arlo

She has me so fucked up, that every time I looked into a mirror and saw the hickeys she littered on my skin, I fucking smiled as my fingers ghosted over them.

She has me so fucked up, that every time this week that I've walked into class and she hasn't been there, my stomach drops, and my entire mood for the rest of the day goes sour.

According to Felix and Hunter, I've been next level moody, and a bigger dick than normal. During practice they ask me what is wrong because I always start the day off in a relatively good mood, and end it short tempered and easily irritated.

I refuse to tell them that the reason I get like this is because I didn't get my dose of Arlo Bitchbaby Steele.

Oh god, she's becoming like a drug for me

It doesn't make sense why I feel like this. I fucking hate her to the fullest extent. Any time I think of her, a fiery rage starts to bubble deep inside of me.

She isn't a positive in my life, but a big fat blaring red negative. So why do I subconsciously crave to see her at least once a day?

Maybe it's the fact that she makes me feel. The feeling might be considered bad, but it's more than what I've felt for the past five years.

She ignites this powerful, searing blaze of anger inside of me. Most people would hate it, but I don't. Feeling this agonizing burn is better than feeling numb.

I'm bothered that Arlo hasn't shown up to school at all this week. Once again she has disappeared off the face of this earth without a single trace left.

It's Thursday, and if I had to guess she won't be attending at all this week. I just got out of English and once again, Arlo's chair was empty, leaving a tantalizing cold draft behind.

I've felt so cold this whole week. Her fire brings the warmth I've craved for a long time. Going without it makes me feel insane. It also makes me question how I went so long with being so close to it for years, but never indulging.

It sometimes baffles me that we've gone to the same school with each other since the seventh grade, and only now, in senior year have we talked.

It makes me wonder if we met each other sooner, what we would be like.

"Yo, earth to Harry." Felix snaps his fingers near my face to grab my attention. I blink a few times to try and figure out what is going on.

I look around to make out my surroundings. I'm leaning the side of my forehead against a locker, The halls are somewhat empty, only being filled with players on the lacrosse team.

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