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TW: drug and
alcohol use


Miller has been mad at me for the past couple of weeks because I never ended up doing the drop with the Mika guy.

I was too depressed to leave my bed, let alone do a drop with some guy who is apparently difficult to work with. Ever since that day Miller has had an attitude with me.

I don't mind because Miller is irrelevant to me at the end of the day. All of this, and everyone involved is irrelevant, but at the same time it's not.

The past two weeks I've been stressed about Harry because I was worried that my father was going to do something to him since I didn't go, but I haven't heard a word from him ever since he called me almost two months ago.

Nothing as far as I'm aware has happened, and I can only hope it stays that way.

"I can't believe it Halloween weekend, and we're stuck fucking working." Kato groans, throwing his arms on the table.

"Oh shut up, tonight is going to be a good night." Ravi from across the table rolls his eyes.

"How is it going to be a good night?" I ask. "I don't think working is considered fun."

Over the past few weeks, I've been more social towards Kato, Ravi, Jax, and Marshal. I quickly realized that the four of them are the people I'm going to be around the most so might as well make the environment as comfortable as possible.

Everyone who works under my father is split up into teams for missions. For the most part, no one ever swaps around the people they do missions with.

I unfortunately got one of the most annoying groups of people to work with. Miller always has a stick up his ass, Kato feels the need to attempt to talk to me twenty thousand times a day, Ravi is always saying something stupid and out of pocket, Marshal walks around like he's the shit, and I honestly have no complaints with Jax, he tends to keep to himself much like me.

"Miller informed me we are going to one of our clubs tonight to handle some business." Ravi informs me. "Usually we end up staying and drinking for a little. Tonight especially since that's the only thing we have to go tonight."

"Wait, you guys own clubs?" I ask slightly shocked.

Ravi nods his head. "Yeah, your daddy owns a couple of clubs. That's how we launder our money without drawing too much attention to ourselves."

"Don't call him that." I snap. I hate when people refer to my father as that. That's what I called him when I was a young and naive little girl who thought that there was a chance that her father would one day show her a sliver of love.

Unfortunately for her, she got her heart broken once she realized that day was never going to come.

"My bad." Ravi throws his hands up in surrender. I roll my eyes, and go back to staring blankly at the table.

"What club are we going to tonight?" Kato asks from beside me.

"Lush." Ravi responds. "It's the blood bash this weekend. Everyone is dressing up in their costumes. We're supposed to go in, transfer some money, and keep watch on the place for the night. I heard there might even be a low profile deal tonight."

"Wait" I get up from my slouched position on my chair, and sit straight up. "Lush, like the club close to the end of town?"

"Yeah with the pink lights, that Lush." Ravi confirms.

"My father owns that club?" I say with my jaw dropped. I've been there a few times, and to think that the most popular club near West Peaks is owned by my father is unsettling.

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