435 7 1

TW: Drug use, theme of panic


Harry Styles

All that clouds my mind at the moment is him.

Laying next to him with my eyes closed, I replay the last hour in my head.

It's been the strangest hour of my life. It freaks me out that I don't completely hate being next to him right now. I oddly feel content.

All the worries, anxiety, pain, and memories have vanished. Nothing but the British green eyed boy and his words lurk throughout me.

No one has been able to make everything disappear before

I'm not sure why I agreed to let him smoke with me. Usually when people I don't know ask to smoke, I say no and walk the other way.

So why didn't I do that to him? Why did I say yes?

I wanted nothing more than to get away from him when class was over. So why did I allow myself to spend more time with him?

Not only did I agree to smoke with him, but I brought him to my special place.

The lookout point is a place I come to escape when I'm on my last leg. When my world is crumbling and I don't have the strength to keep pushing, I come here to free myself for a little while.

It overlooks the ocean. The crashing of the waves down below me always brings a sense of peace I get nowhere else in my life. The sound of the water is like a sweet lullaby being hummed into my ear. The air feels fresh and euphoric.

The lookout point is my sanctuary, the one place no one else in my life knows about. If I want to never be found, I can just come here and no one would ever find me.

So why did I show it to Harry?

Maybe I wasn't thinking straight. The whole drive I was angry, annoyed and confused. I drove here out of instinct. I was planning on coming here when deciding to ditch, I guess Harry crashing my party didn't register until I was parking the car.

I think being here calmed me down some because I didn't feel the need to snap at him anymore once we arrived.

I'm not sure why, but I had him help me with rolling the joint. My body reacted before my mind could when handing him the grinder.

It was sort of funny watching Harry concentrate so fucking hard on grinding weed. He looked like there was a gun being held to his head that would shoot him if he didn't do it perfectly. He was so delicate and precise when twisting the cap. If it was me I would've twisted it like a damn pepper shaker, fast and slightly aggressive.

He seemed so proud of himself when I told him that the weed was grinded enough. It's not that hard to do, but to him it was the biggest accomplishment of his life.

What a fucking weirdo

I had no clue what Harry would be like when high. I don't think I've ever seen him do anything besides drink and when he drinks, I've heard he drinks a lot.

From what I've seen, he seems to handle his liquor well. But being drunk is completely different from being high.

When he first hit the joint and started choking, I quickly figured out that he doesn't smoke all that often if at all.

I regretted letting him smoke in the beginning because he was annoying the fuck out of me. The coughing, the hysterical laughing, his face, all of it made me want to bash my head in one of the metal poles to end my misery.

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