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It's nice out today. The sun is warm, coating my body in a delicate heat. The air feels fresher today. Everything is nice.

Since it's nice out, Harry had the grand idea of going out today, instead of staying in like we've been doing for the past few days.

Today is Thursday, and the last day that I will get Harry alone, to myself. After tonight, Harry is going to be busy with lacrosse, since his game is tomorrow. Then Saturday is the party at Lush, which I still haven't decided if I want to go to or not.

Harry apparently can't get out of going, and has been begging me to go with him. I'm unsure if I really want to spend my time sitting on a couch, while I have to watch Harry socialize with everyone but me.

Yes, I know he can socialize with me, but that would be too suspicious, because there is no way I can fake hating talking to him. In reality I like talking to him a lot. I'm not a fake bitch, so having to be one for a night just sounds miserable.

These past two days have been weird. Harry wakes up early in the morning, leaving me alone in his bed to go to practice. I wake up, and maneuver myself around his room to get ready for school.

When I'm ready, I go to school, I look for Harry, when I do find him, I give him secret glances anytime we pass each other in the halls. Classes go by torturously slow, but when third hour rolls around, everything is back to normal, and I feel, in a way, whole again.

It isn't until we depart that things feel weird to me again. I do, however, get to look forward to sneaking off for lunch, and eating in his car, except for today, we decided to eat in mine.

None of his friends have questioned him about it, and no one has put any pieces together that Harry and I are anything but strangers with a mutual hatred.

It makes life feel lighter knowing that what we are, is still a secret. Not that we are anything, but that's besides the point.

Harry and I haven't gone out anywhere because I personally haven't felt like it. It takes a lot for me to leave the house, and I got enough time out of the house for a solid month last Saturday. Plus, ever since the shower Harry and I took together, I've felt, once again, weird.

It's not a bad thing it's just different. It's strange to know that something I've carried deep inside of me, and did everything in my power to hide, is now something another person is aware of.

I thought that I would regret it, but I don't. I meant what I said to him, when I told him I felt a sense of relief from letting that weight leave my shoulders. Maybe I don't regret it because Harry was the one I told, and I think I trust Harry.

I'm not entirely sure what trust is, or means, but I think that's what we have with Harry. I know that whatever I tell him will stay with him, and he won't go blabbering about it, nor will he judge me.

Still I've been in a slump. I think Harry has noticed it. Who am I kidding? It's pretty obvious that I'm in one. I just keep having these recurring thoughts that Harry will one day wake up and leave me because I'm too complicated, or not pretty enough, and just a bunch of other shit. My over-thinking tendencies have been especially worse since I confessed all that shit to him in the shower, which in turn caused me to fall into this slump.

Harry was okay with letting me slide by the first two days of my slump, but when today rolled around, he told me that we are doing something after he gets back from practice.

Which leads us to now. Harry told us that he is taking me someplace that is a secret. He instructed me to wear comfortable clothing that I would be okay with sitting down in.

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