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A/N: this is part of a double
update, read chapter 49
before reading this one


"Are you guys ready?" Miller asks from the passenger seat of the van.

"Yes." Ravi answers for the group.

"Good, we're all geared up, and good to go? Yeah?" Miller continues. "Earpieces in, and working."

"All the channels are connected on my side." Marshal confirms.


I'm not paying much attention to what is going on. My gaze is set on the tall building of the West Peaks Plaza. A place where many fancy events are held, such as government parties, high clientele dinners, and a bunch of other shit.

My mother has been to the plaza many times before. Invited by people part of the high society who feel a need to all get together at least once a year, and brag about how rich they are.

Attendees of the auction are filing into the building at a steady pace. Nerves are tight throughout my body, as the revelation that we are here, and are going to carry out the mission hits me at full force.

My feet are already aching slightly from the golden colored block heels I have to wear for the night.

My upper left thigh feels itchy under the black leather weapon garter. It's no wonder that in the movies, they always have them on the outside of their pants.

Our goal is to spend no more than an hour and a half inside. We have to try and complete the mission before the actual auction is held. Miller said that the socializing part takes about an hour, and the ring is going to be the last thing auctioned off since it's basically the star piece of the evening.

I don't know what that necessarily means, but I truly don't care. I know that all my focus has to be on swiping the ring as fast as possible without drawing attention.

I'm nervous as fuck. The whole ride here I was practically shaking, but I know the minute I step inside, I have to shove the nerves away, and be confident within myself that I can do this.

Can I really do this though?

"It's time to move out." Miller announces. "Arlo, you and I are going in first. Ravi, Kato, enter ten minutes after us. Don't forget, the second we step through those doors, we aren't ourselves anymore."

Everyone responds with a yes, but I sit silent, lacking the energy, and focus to do anything else, but stare at the Plaza.

I hear Miller's door, open, and close. He rounds the van to my side, and opens my door for me. He holds his hand out, gesturing for me to take it. "Come on Emma."

I ignore his outstretched hand, and help myself out of the van. Goosebumps erupt up my arm from the cool breeze. The warm summer weather is slowly leaving, and the cooler fall weather is slowly replacing it.

I hug myself, running my hands up and down my arm to warm myself up. "Look." Miller breathes as we begin to walk towards the entrance. "I get you have some weird thing with being touched, but you have to leave that behind for tonight. You're not Arlo, you're Emma, so loop your elbow with mine. We need to at least look like we like each other."

I roll my eyes, acting as if I'm annoyed with the idea, but in reality I'm uncomfortable. I don't like to touch, or be touched by other people, but for the sake of the mission, I'm going to have to ignore the feeling.

I thread my arm through his elbow, and lock them together. We continue our strides, getting closer to the tall crystal doors.

"You also need to smile." Miller whispers into my ear, making the hair on the back of my neck stand up straight from the invasion of my personal space.

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