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A/N: this is once again
a heavier chapter
please read the warning. :)

TW: mentions of death,
themes of murder,
suicide attempt


It was drizzling slightly outside, which is normal in Holmes Chapel. I was sitting next to one of my mates, Zayn, in our maths class.

This was my last subject of the day before I got to head home. I walk everyday with my mates, Zayn, Louis, Liam, and Niall.

I've been friends with all of them besides Niall since year two. Niall moved from Ireland to Holmes Chapel at the start of year five. It's the second week of year eight, and I'm already being bombarded with assignments.

I'm ready to go home. It's been too long of a day. I barely got any sleep last night from staying up watching The Fast and the Furious last night.

"Pst, aye, Harry, mate." Zayn taps on my shoulder. I turn towards him and mouth 'what'. "I forgot to give you this earlier, but Louella handed it to me to give to you during lunch.

Zayn slides me a folded piece of paper with my name written on the outside in cursive.

Louella is one of the prettiest girls in our year. Everyone has a crush on her. She is posh, but not prissy. She is extremely friendly so everyone likes her, and if someone doesn't then they are just seen as a wanker because what's not to like.

I unfold the paper curious as to what Louella has to say to me out of all people. I haven't talked to her besides a simple wave in the halls.

I open the paper and read.

Dear Harry,

I know this is probably strange coming from me, especially since it's out of nowhere, but I think you are really good looking. I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me some time?

I left my number below, call me with your answer!

Love, Louella.

"What's it say?" Zayn asks, trying to read over the words. I fold the paper back up and set it to the side.

I shrug my shoulders. "Nothing much, she just asked me to go out, left her number and all." I say as if it was nothing.

Zayn eyes shoot open wider, and he looks at me as if I'm balls out of my mind. "Nothing much. Really, H?"

"What." I shrug my shoulders, not understanding what the big deal is. Louella is pretty, and a sweet girl, don't get me wrong, but I'm not into her like that.

The idea of dating, and going out with someone sounds like a snooze if you ask me. My mates, and most boys my age are all starting to become girl obsessed, and all the girls are becoming boy crazy. I haven't fallen into the black hole of romance, and anything remotely connected to it.

I'm sure one day it will hit me, and I'll become girl obsessed, but I don't think I'll ever be the guy who can be into a lot of girls at once.

It's hard for me to let people in, I may only be twelve, but I know relationships require a lot of trust, and that's just something I don't have a lot of.

"This is Louella we're talking about!" Zayn scoffs, shaking his head in disappointment. "You're not going to blow her off are you?"

"I mean...I was planning on it." I say truthfully, scratching the back of my neck. I loosen my necktie slightly, as it was starting to bother me.

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