452 8 0

TW: self hatred, mentions of
drugs, and addiction


I cleaned up the mess Arlo and I made on my bed. I wiped down the two toys we used, stripped the sheets off of the bed, and replaced them with a fresh set.

I put everything back into the chest, and put the chest back where I originally had it. A smile ghosts over my face the entire time while cleaning as I reminisce over what happened not even ten minutes ago.

My body is buzzing with the memories of her face, her body, her smile, her chocolate doe eyes. The way she let me have control over her made my stomach flutter with glee.

I'm obsessed with her, that's for sure. When I put my dick in her after playing with her, I knew I wasn't going to last long. I should've felt ashamed that I came so fast, but her body is addictive and perfect. She's perfect in my humble opinion.

It's strange how quickly the dynamic between her and I has changed. Not even a week ago we were at each other's throats. Now we are shoving our tongues down each other's throat.

Oh how the times have changed

It's not even the fact that she feels and tastes like heaven that has me weak in the knees for her. It's nothing sexual at all for me actually. It's the way she brings me comfort. I feel like I can trust her with my life, which is a bold claim, but it's a claim I'm confident about.

I feel sparks of sunlight illuminate on me whenever I see her, talk to her, touch her, or even think about her. I like being around her more than anyone else in the world. I wouldn't mind dropping all of my friends, and spending all my twenty four hours of a day with her for seven days a week.

Today at school proved that I want her around all the time, because any moment I was not with her was torture. My mood was low, and everyone irritated the fuck out of me, but then I see her, and everything shoots back up to the starts, and dances around the moon.

Once everything is all clean, I make my way back towards the bathroom where I know a very sleepy, worn out Arlo waits for me.

I'm excited to shower with her. I've made sure in the past that I always allowed her the option to shower alone no matter how much I wanted to step under the stream with her, and welcome the hot water pelting down my back with her in my embrace.

The act of showering together is very domestic, and scary, but nothing that involves Arlo is scary enough to where I would run off. If anything, I welcome the fear like a challenge. Ready to battle the knot, and overcome it.

I wonder if it's going to feel weird, or if it will feel natural showering with her. Will it be a constant shifting of awkward moves, or will we be content in one another, and not miss a beat when cleaning ourselves off?

There's only one way to find out, which is why my hand is grasping the doorknob, and twisting it to allow me to enter. I walk in with confidence to not only show her that I am ready, but to show myself that everything is going to be fine, and the small hiccup of anxiety I'm feeling right now will go anyway once I'm with her.

To my surprise, Arlo isn't in the shower like I thought she would be. Instead, she is standing near the shower watching the water as a cloud of condensation, and steam surrounds her.

She has her arms tight over her chest, and her legs crossed over one another while standing. Her long brown hair looks mangled from the back, but still looks lucious as it cascades down her back, stopping just over her butt.

Arlo senses my presence which isn't hard, seeing as I wasn't being all that quiet. She turns her head over her shoulder, tilts her head up slightly to make direct eye contact with me. Her bruised bottom lip is caught between her teeth like normal, while the top one looks red and irritated, and slightly more plump than usual.

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